Laugwitz, Detlef (1932-2000) mathematician and historian
- GB 275 003733
- Person
- 1932-2000
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt.
Laugwitz, Detlef (1932-2000) mathematician and historian
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt.
Laughton, Charles (1899-1962) actor
Lauder, Ken Brunton (fl 1959), photographer
Latif [post Latifi, Alma], Abullatif Camrudin Amirudin Abdul (1879-1959) lawyer
BA 1901
Latham, Robert Gordon (1812-1888) ethnologist and philologist
Lassell, William (1799-1880) astronomer
Laslett, G H Ruffell (fl 1915-1935)
Minister of Beechen Grove Baptist Church Watford. Father of T. P. R. Laslett (BA 1938).
Laski, Harold Joseph (1893-1950) political theorist, economist, author and lecturer
Lasker, Mary Woodard (1900-1994) health activist and philanthropist