- CollectionPhotographs - Photographic and film collections
- SeriesAlbums - Photograph albums
- FileAlbum 10 - Photograph Album 10
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- Item15 photo a - Unknown Man
- Item15 photo b - A. Marshall (BA 1865), economist
- Item15 photo c - Unknown man
- Item15 photo d - Rev. A. F. Freeman (BA 1861)
- Item16 photo a - A. Jessopp (BA 1848)
- Item16 photo b - A. V. Hadley (BA 1856)
- Item16 photo c - Prof. J. S. Henslow (BA 1818), Botanist
- Item16 photo d - Churchill Babington (BA 1843) and mother
- Item17 photo a - William Done Bushell (BA 1861)
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