- FondsYapp - Papers and photographs of R. H. (Harry) Yapp
- Series3 - Photographic collections
- Subseries1 - Glass plate negatives
- FileG - General (unclassified)
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- ItemG13 - [Diagram of early stages of bean growth]
- ItemG14 - [Diagram of early stages of plant growth]
- ItemG15 - [Diagram of plant root growth]
- ItemG16 - [Diagram of plant root growth]
- ItemG17 - [Diagram of plant leaves]
- ItemG18 - [Diagram of water plants]
- ItemG19 - [Diagram of plants]
- ItemG20 - ["Die wichtigsten Humus- und Torf Arten.."]
- ItemG21 - [River valleys of East Norfolk]
- 84 more...