- SJLM/2/3/1/4
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- 1509
"An inventary of my ladys goods founde within her closett by her bed chamber."
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"An inventary of my ladys goods founde within her closett by her bed chamber."
An inventory of chapel & other household plate, vestments and service books priced and marked with a note by John Fisher in the margin of their destination. Many of the items were intended for Christ’s and St John’s Colleges. Folio 60 lists the obligations due to Lady Margaret at her death.
The headings are:
Copes, vestments, aulter clothes, palles, and canapes, curtayns for the aulter, vailes and banerclothes, corporas, couchers and other books…. All the books to cristes collage…, masse books, graylles, processyonalles, alter clothes of lynyn, surplesses….
Chambers within Lady Margaret's houses
Items found in the chambers of Lady Margaret's houses following her death.
Inventories of items at Collyweston, Northamptonshire
Hornby [Horneby], Henry
Inventory of plate in the cellar, spicery, pantry, ewery [office of the ewerer] and scullery at Collyweston. It begins with:
"first ii greate pottes gilet graven full of porternalions and margarettes with the kings armes inaelde above the two lidis bother ponderying [weighing] ccccxxviij unc. at iij s viij d. le unce
The goods are listed under the headings:
Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby
Goods lacking in the kitchen departments of Lady Margaret's household. This is a compilation of stock held by various officers and staff which is missing. There are separate entries throughout the only surviving roll of the Treasurer of the Household (1506-1507) which refer to such items, but there is no general list such as this one for that year.
The volume begins:
"Certain stuff of howsehold of the most Excellent Prynces Margarete Countesse of Richmond and Derby and moder unto oure soveraigne lorde the kynge tha now is Kynge Henry the Vii th. lakkynge in defaute of diverse officers as it appereth by the Boke of Brevement of the said household. that is to say as well for the last yere as this yere ended the viij th day of Janyuere the xxiiij th yere of our said sovereigne lord as hereafter foloweth."
Arranged under the following headings: bakehouse, pastry, pantre, buttery, sellars, wete larder, drye larder, chaundre [chandlery]
List of tapestries from Lady Margaret's furnishings which were sold & paid for. Purchasers include: John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester; Henry Hornby; Morgan and Lord Mountjoy.
The items are listed as:
Inventories and lists of items from Lady Margaret's house at Hatfield.
Inventory of goods & clothes belonging to Henry Hornby, Dean of the Lady Margaret's chapel. The volumes lists the following items:
Hornby [Horneby], Henry
Inventories: wardrobe of the beds
Inventories for the wardrobe of beds of the Lady Margaret.
Inventory made at Hatfield by Richard Gough, Richard Lyster & Peter Baldewyn; includes copy of the inventory of the beds for Hatfield.
Lyster, Richard
Inventory of robes; also wine sold or given away, glassware, small precious items in Lady Margaret's chamber and closet.
Items listed under the following headings:
Also listed:
Also listed:
Inventory of plate, books and vestments bequeathed to Christ's College by the Lady Margaret.
Inventory made at Hatfield by Robert Hylton yoman [yeoman] of my ladies [lady's] wardrobe of her Robes ther[e] from [14 January 1508/9] unto [16 August 1509].
Begins: Blak [black] velvet. Fyrst [first] of the remanes [remains] of the last accompt. [account]. 11 gownes, 1 hoode, 1 typett [tippet], 70 yards of velvet (provision of 24 yards made by Robert Fremyngham), "wherof Delyvered [delivered] to Maistres [Mistress] Mabell [Mabel] Clifford 1 gown lyned [lined] with blak [black] damask, given to hir [her] by my ladies grace..."
Under headings: Blak Satens [black satins], p.3; Tawny saten [satin], 4; Bla[c]k damask 5; tynseld saten [tinselled satin], 6; bla[c]k brevet, 7; tawny velvet, 9; tawny damask, 9; russet damask, russet saten [satin], 10; yelowe [yellow] saten [satin], whyte [white] damask, 11; tawny chamlet, 12; black chamlet, bukram [buckram], 13; silke [silk] remaynyng [remaining], 14.
p. 15. Certayn [certain] apparaill [apparel] of clothe [cloth] remaynyng [remaining], gownes, peticots [petticoats], mantills [mantles], clokes [cloaks]
pp16-19: blank
p.20. avewe [ A view] taken of Robert Hilton for my ladys robis [robes] by William Bedell and James Morice.
Hilton, Robert
Inventory: wardrobe of the beds
"Stuff aperteynyng to my Ladies Wardrobe of beddys, 8 September 1509, which remayned unsowled. And Thomas Symson charged with the same."
Inventory: wardrobe of the robes
Inventory of the wardrobe of robes of Lady Margaret.
"Certayn apparelle clothe of golde, silkes, and furres withe other stuff remaynyng in the said wardrobe prised by Olyver Scales."
The inventory begins: "first a gowne of blake velvet..."
Inventories of goods found in Lady Margaret's chapel.
Inventory of the wardrobe of the beds:
Inventory of furniture & vestments of the Lady Margaret's chapel.
Wardrobe of the Beds: Hatfield
A view of the wardrobe of beds at Hatfield. The items are listed under the headings: