- SJCR/SJAC/4/1/4/5/R
- Sub-sub-set
- 1944
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Radford, R. N.; Ratcliff, G. A.; Rigg, E. C.; Ritchie, A. J. O.; Robb, A. G.; Rothwell, R. W.; Rudd, D. H.; Rugg, D. A.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Radford, R. N.; Ratcliff, G. A.; Rigg, E. C.; Ritchie, A. J. O.; Robb, A. G.; Rothwell, R. W.; Rudd, D. H.; Rugg, D. A.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Read, J. J.; Reid, R. W. H.; Righini, G.; Riley, P.; Robertson, A. P.; Rushton, P. L.; Rust, J. F.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Raven, J. M. B. E.; Rees, R. J. C.; Renfrew, A. C.; Revell, E. J.; Revill, J.; Richard, J. A.; Riddell, I. B.; Rosenhead, J. V.; Rosenstock, H. M. L.; Rowe, J. J. B.; Rowe-Beddoe, D. S.; Rowse, M.; Rucklidge, J. C.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Redman, R. O.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Ratcliffe, T. A.; Rea, J. T.; Richardson, G.; Rhoden, H. G.; Robertson, C. J.; Robertson, D. F.; Rolls, T. B.; Rosenhead, L.; Ross, J. S.; Ross, R. S.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Rivlin, R. ; Ross (Rosenberg) A. ; Rushbrooke, G.S. ; Russell-Smith, R.S.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reekie, J.; Renshaw, R. H. L.; Ricketts, M.; Ritchie, K. J. S.; Robinson, W. H. F.; Rodwell, R. H.; Ross, P. J.; Ruane, J. D.; Russell, R.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Files of: Raby, K.F.; Ravenscroft, J.E.; Reed, D.A.; Rhodes, D.H.; Richards, T.C.; Rigby, D. Lang; Roberts, E.T.; Robinson, G.H.; Roseveare, R.A.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Ragg, N.M.; Raitt, R.I.; Rans, J.M.; Renton, W.D.; Rhys, W.J.; Richards, J.A.; Rimmer, W.E.; Roberts, F.E.; Robertson, J.W.; Round, J.M.; Rowe, C.R.; Rudden, B.A..
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Randall, R. S.; Reid, D. J. D.; Reid, W. E. L.; Roberts, D. J.; Rosenhead, M. D.; Ross-Macdonald, S. J.; Rossiter, R. J.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Recordon, J.P.; Redfern, W. D.; Reed, G. D.; Reeve, A. W. A.; Reid, P.M.; Richmond, T.A.; Riley, P. J.; Roberts, E. H.; Robertson, H; Robson, E. W.; Rofe, B. H.; Rogers, D. L.; Rogers, P. D. C.; Rogers, T. G. H.; Ross, R. R. K. Mackenzie; Ryan, J. R.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Rans, P. E.; Rawkins, R.; Read, A. P.; Ree, G. H.; Reid, B. R.; Reid, P. L. D.; Reid, S. E.; Reynolds, G. E.; Richards, B. H.; Rugg, R. S.; Russell, A. S.; Ryan, M. A. J.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Room, T. G.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Rainbow, H.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Raghavan, T. V. S.; Rapley, F.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Rideal, G. S.; Robson, R.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Ramage, H. P.; Ramsden, J. F.; Roberts, P. B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reddy, N. G.; Robinson, G. B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Rackham, H.C. ; Richards, E.J. ; Roebuck, E. ; Roper, L.H. ; Rosenbaum, R.A.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Radford, R. A.; Robertson, A. J. B.; Rumsey, V. H.