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1970-1973: LMBC Correspondence

Includes miscellaneous letters addressed to K.J. Jeffery (LMBC Captain, 1972-73), from multiple senders, concerning the Bumps supper, race results, accommodation for the Henley Regatta, and the inclusion of the abbreviation L.M.B.C. in the Concise Oxford Dictionary. Also includes a letter concerning the change of Jeffery's academic tutor; and copies of letters between David Dunn, John Gleave and Brian Jacobs concerning coaching for the Club.


1969-1970: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Barnes, D.J.; Cash, J.R.; Collecott, P.S.; Desborough, S.H.; Martin, J.J.; McGing, T.P.; Nicolson, D.M.; Nicolson, R.I.; Northington, G.A.; Quayle, N.D.; Read, E.J.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Singleton, B.J.; Steven, A.C.; Young, T.D..

1967-1968: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Barnes, D.J.; Blyth, W.C.; Delargy, R.H.; Desborough, S.H.; Foyle, J.L.; Hislop, I.A.; Houghton, N.; MacKerron, G.S.; Nicholson, D.M.; Read, E.J.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Samuel, M.J.; Smethers, M.C.; Viney, N.M..

1966-1967: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Barnes, D.J.; Blyth, W.C.; Delargy, R.H.; Desborough, S.H.; Foyle, J.L.; Hislop, I.A.; Houghton, N.; MacKerron, G.S.; Nicholson, D.M.; Read, E.J.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Samuel, M.J.; Smethers, M.C.; Viney, N.M..

1965-1966: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Barnes, D.J.; Blyth, W.C.; Cossey, B.G.; Coulton, W.R.; Foyle, J.L.; Houghton, N.; Jones, D.C.; Mackinnon, E.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Smethers, M.C.; Viney, N.M.; Willey, F.R.; Worthington, G.A..

1964-1965: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Aveyard, J.A.; Carson, M.A.; Cossey, B.G.; Houghton, N.; Mackinnon, E.; Munro, A.R.; Pugh, R.N.; Reid, M.E.; Richardson, D.L.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Samuel, M.J.; Smethers, M.C.; Webster, C.F.; Willey, F.R.; Worthington, G.A..

1963-1964: FC Team Photograph

Photo 1: Team Members: Aveyard, J.A.; Brownlee, J.W.; Collyer, B.C.; Dunn, R.J.; Iacobucci, F; Jones, D.C.; Moss, M.D.; Munro, A.; Reid, M.E.; Richardson, D.L.; Webster, C.F.; Wood, J.M..
Photo 2: Team Members: Aveyard, J.A.; Collyer, B.C.; Cossey, B.G.; Dunn, R.J.; Jones, D.C.; Mackinnon, E.; Moss, M.D.; Munro, A.R.; Reid, M.E.; Richardson, D.L.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Ward, P.W.; Webster, C.F.; Willey, F.R.; Wood, J.M..

1962-1963: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Aveyard, J.A.; Bennett, P.S.; Brownlee, J.W. (absent); Collyer, B.C.; Cowley, V.J.; Dunn, R.J.; Greenhalgh, C.A.; Iacobucci, F; Jones, D.C.; Moss, M.D.; Nelson, R.F.; Robinson, R.E., Dr.; Rowlands, D.L.; Sanderson, K.; Simmons, A.; Wood, J.M..

1961-1979: LMBC Correspondence

Includes letters concerning the purchase of reject oars for decoration; equipment purchases; damage to property after LMBC celebrations; Head of the River 1979; Note from Jesus College regarding BUSF competition.

1961-1962: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Bennett, P.S.; Collyer, B.C.; Cowley, V.J.; Greenhalgh, C.A.; Guest, G.H., Mr.; Jones, D.C.; Nelson, R.F.; Peck, D.A.; Rowlands, D.L.; Saltmarsh, D.; Sanderson, K.; Shayler, M.F.; Simmons, A..

1957-1958: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Barnes, R.B.; Bateman, D.; Cockcroft, J.A.; Feldman, P.H.; Gavin, E.E.; Karwowski, W.A.; King, J.M.; Lloyd, P.V; Palmer, P.E.; Shaker, G.I.; Spencer, D.A.; Valton, J..

1956-1957: FC Team Photograph

Team Members: Bateman, D.; Beaumont, C.H.; Clayton, A.J.; Cockcroft, J.A.; Grigg, D.G.; Karwowski, W.A.; King, J.M.; Mann, D.J.; Meehan, J.R.; Odamtten, S.E.; Shaker, G.I.; Smith, D.J.; Spencer, D.A.; Walton, J..

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