- SJCR/SJCS/22/2/2
- Item
- 1875-1900
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes subscriptions, expenditure & list of members of St. John's College old cricket club.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes subscriptions, expenditure & list of members of St. John's College old cricket club.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes printed equipment price lists for B+H Racing Craft and Collar Oxford Racing Blades (1972-73); projections for expenditure at Henley (1973); Income and Expenditure Account sheets for 1971-72 and 1972-73; and handwritten notes regarding spending on equipment between 1972-77.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes accounts for new equipment and repairs.
St John's College, Cambridge
Accounts & Subscriptions: Mountaineering Club
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes accounts; balance sheets; lists of subscriptions; members list.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes accounts, cash books, bank books, and cheque-books of the LMBC; records of subscriptions to the club and for boats, & lists of resident members and bills. Some volumes are labelled 'Treasurer's Book' or 'Senior Treasurer's Accounts'.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Account of Roger Noott [Notte] for £26 received from John Fisher for board, clothes and rent of almshouse, of 10 poor persons at Hatfield for 1 year.
Notte, Roger
Account of Roger Noott [Notte] for £33.18.5d, £4, besides 54s delivered by Nicholas Sanders for clothes and his labour for the almsfolk at Hatfield.
Notte, Roger
Account of Roger Noott [Notte] for £34 received from John Fisher for board, clothes and rent of almshouse of nine poor persons at Hatfield.
Notte, Roger
Account of Oliver Scales: Clerk of Works
Part of The Records of St John's College
Account of Oliver Scales, the first Clerk of Works, giving details of the building works at SJC, workmen employed, and sources of materials. The roll provides details concerning payment of the men and the tasks they were employed to do.
Account of Henry Hornby, executor of Lady Margaret.
Hornby [Horneby], Henry
Account of expenditure 'For my Lady'
Account of expenditure 'for my lady'
Furst [First] of Monday the xxij day of Julii [July] when I ewent to Master Harsdeynke for my dener [dinner[ at Grayffyshend [Gravesend] ij d.
Item for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iij d.
Item the same neytt [night] at London for my sopper [supper] and my bede [bed] iij d.
Item of Tewysday the xxiij day of Julii [July] for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iij d.
Item my dreynke [drink] at j d.
Summa xij d.
Signed: Jo Roffs.
On reverse: Item to the mesynger [messenger] that broght the Kyngs [King's] letters by the hands of Mr Officiall xiij s. iiij d.
Furst [First] of Thursday the xxix day of November whyn wentt [when went] to London to Master Arsdekyn [Archdeacon] with letteres [letters] furst [first] at grayffyshend [Gravesend] for my drenyke j d.
Item for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iiij d.
Item the smae day at London for my dener and sopper [dinner and supper] iiij d.
Item the same neytt [night] for my bott hayre [boat hire] to Lambeth and fro j d.
Item for my bede [bed] and my dreynke [drink] j d. ob.
Item of fryday [Friday] the xxx day of November for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iij d.
Item the same day at Grayffyshend [Gravesend] for my dreynke [drink] ob.
Summa xv d.
Signed: Jo Roffs.
Account of Costs and Charges: Alan Percy
Part of The Records of St John's College
Account of payments for costs and charges of SJC, received by Alan Percy, Master from John Fisher; includes work on buildings.
Percy, Alan
An account for Lady Margaret's executors:
In primis [first] to Tybyll bor meny [many] writyngs [writings] perteynyng [pertaining] to my lady xx s.
Item to John Bear to wrytyng [writing] for hur [her] testament ij s.
Item to Myddleton [Middleton] for a gown whych [which] he shuld [should] have had at my ladies [lady's] interment not alowed [allowed] in the funeralls [funerals] xxvj s. viij d.
Signed. Jo Roffs.
Account of John Scott, Fellow: includes expenses for completing Christ's College Chapel and repairs to the manor of Malton, Cambridgeshire.
Scott, John
Account of James Morice:
First for the bordyng [boarding] of Maistres [Mistress] Jan by the space of iij wek [weeks] and v dayes [days] at xvj d. the wek [week iiij s. xj d.
Item for th ebordyng [boarding] of M Elyner Massingham by the space of v wek [weeks] iiij daies [days] at vvj d. the wek [week] summa vij s. v d.
Item for the cost of ij men with ij horses by the space of ij daies [days] comyng [coming] and goyng [going] from Roydon to London for the breyng [bringing] the said M Elyner to my lord of Surret at xid the day ech [each] man and horse iiij s.
Item paid to Mayne the paynter [painter] in party [part] payment of vj li. xiij s. iiij d. for the making of ij tables of the pictur[e] of my ladies [lady's] grace lij s. iiij d.
Item in reward to the said James [Morice] towards his bothier [boat hire] ad [and] his cost for his attendyng [attending] abowt [about] such besnes [business] as my ladies [lady's] executors comaunded [commanded] hym [him] to do in London, for Cristes College.
To James Mores [Morrice] xxiij s. viij d.
Signed. Jo. roffs.
Morice, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Volume 1 (1857-1861) includes receipts from subscriptions and expenses; balance sheet (loose).
Volume 2 (1858-1861) includes a ledger of accounts of members.
Also includes a loose-leaf balance sheet (SJCS/1/4/1a), dated 1861. This can be located in Box 186/COLLEGE.
Account Books and attendance lists
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the class lists of Brumell and other tutors; also includes student accounts; lists of students who have paid their fees and the dates of some examinations.
Although described in earlier catalogues as account books, vols 2-5 appear to be attendance lists
Brumell, Edward