- SJCR/SJAC/1/2/Gregory/2/15
- File
- 1910-1919
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reid RD and Rigg T.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reid RD and Rigg T.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Raad, NN; Ragg H; Read G; Readman G; Ream, CF; Rees F; Rees H; Resker, HC; Richardson, AH; Reynolds W; Rice-Orley L; Robinson, GMM; Robinson, HI; Robinson, TH; Robson, H; Rose, CH; Rose, HA; Rostron, S.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Ragg, T M; Rajagopalacharya, D; Ramaswami, P N; Ratcliffe, R A; Rawes, J; Redman, D S; Rees, C O; Riad, M A; Rice, O; Riddell, D A; Riddell, T C; Riley, W G; Ringwood, H H; Ritchie, I M; Roberts, J B; Robinson, C S; Robinson, F B; Robinson, G B; Robinson, J C; Robinson, W E; Rogers, S P; Ross, E B; Rothwell, H J; Rowe, J B; Rubesinghe, C E; Rugg, E P; Rushton, J A; Rye, R W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reeves, J.H.; Reid, S.B.; Richardson, I.; Richmond, R.L.; Rivers, C.H.; Rob, W.; Robertson, C.; Robertson, H.; Robinson, C.D.; Roseveare, R.P.; Ross, C.H.; Rowland, P.W.; Rudd, E.W.; Russell, H.G.; Russell, S.H.J.; Rustomjee.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Contains the admissions papers on: Radford, K J; Richards, J; Raffle, D L; Redding, J H; Richardson, I J; Ringrose, T S; Rood, S C; Rose, M A; Ross, P M; Rushton, D F
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reeves, J. H.; Robertson, C.; Robson, C. T. Y.
Hill, Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Ramage, HE; Rau, BS; Raw, W; Rawles, LA; Rea, T; Read, AJ; Ream, CF; Redlich, S; Reeve, GT; Reissman, CH; Rennie, DW; Reynolds, CW; Rice, HG; Ritchie, JN; Ritchie,WT; Rivers, WHR; Rob. JW; Robb, AA; Roberts, JH; Roby, HJ; Ronaldson, JB; Roschamp, AS; Rose, FA; Rose, FG; Rose, PJ; Rosenberg, GF; Rosenhain, W; Rosenthal, CA; Roseveare, HH; Roseveare, WH; Ross, JE; Rostron, S; Row, VP; Rudge, WA; Russell, AF; Rustomjee, PH;
Macalister, Donald
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Rainsford, M.; Rainsford, W.S.; Ralph, J.L.; Rammell, W.H.; Ransome, H.A.; Ratcliffe, C.E.S.; Rawson, E.O.; Rawson, W.; Rawstron, J.H.; Raymond, J.T.; Read, H.N.; Reade, J.W.P.; Redhead, G.E.; Reece, A.D.; Reece J.E.; Reece, I.R.; Reece, W.; Reed, J.; Reed, L.W.; Reed, W.; Rees, W.L.; Reeves, G.M.; Reid, A.S.; Reid, F.A.S.; Rendle, A.J.; Rew, H.G.; Reynolds, B.; Richards, L.; Richards, T.L.; Richmond, E.; Riddle, F.G.; Rigby, T.; Riley, C.C.; Robbs, A.; Roberts, F.P.; Roberts, H.M.; Roberts, S.O.; Robertson, J.; Robinson, G.; Robson, W.G.; Romney, L.; Roney-Dougal, J.C.; Rooper, H.N.; Roper, G.A.; Roper, W.R.; Roscow, B.; Roseveare, W.N.; Rothwell, W.A.; Roughton, A.H.; Roughton, Q.E.; Routh, W.; Row, A.W.S.A.; Rowe, P.D.; Rushbrooke, W.G.; Ryland, F.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Quass P and Quick E.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Quirk, J.N.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Quainton, C.R.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Padley, H W; Paige, R; Palmer, J B; Parfitt, E G; Parsons, G B; Pasley, A D; Passmore, D R; Patel, B P; Paterson, G M; Paterson, N K; Paterson, V J; Payne, R J; Peddie, R; Peiris, C J; Peiris, H C; Peterson, E W; Petre, J F; Pettit, D J; Phillips; Pickering, E A; Pilkington, K R; Pollard, S L; Ponisowsky, A; Poole, R R; Porri, C J; Potter, G R; Pounds, N J; Powell, A H; Pravitra, K; Pringle, J; Protheroe, E O; Prouty, C T; Pullan, J McD.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Parry, TW; Parsons, CA; Pearce, BW; Pennington, AR; Prescott, GF.
Hill, Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Pallandt H; Palmer W; Parry B; Partridge G; Paulley H; Peck R; Peel J; Peill, REF; Peiris L; Perry J; Perry, WJ; Powell E; Pratt G; Previk, CW; Previte-Orton; W; Price N; Pride, OL.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Parker, P.aM.; Parry, T.W.; Payne, W.M.; Pearce, B.W.; Pickford, A.G.; Pollard, C.; Powell, C.T.; Pressland, A.J.; Privett, H.; Pullan, H.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Padfield, J E; Palmer, J R; Parr, T T; Petersen, R C; Petherick, E J; Pickett, E S; Pinder, G P; Potter, B R; Potter, G A; Power, B D; Price, A J; Pringle, C N; Prowde, G L.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Paramore, W E; Parnell, F R; Parry, J H; Pascoe, F J; Paskin, J J; Paterson, M W; Paton, A M; Patterson, J R; Patuck, P S; Patuck, R S; Pearson, H; Peiris. L J; Penfold, H L; Phillips, H E; Phillips, S H; Pollard, W M; Powell, N G; Prescott, E; Prideaux, H S; Priston, S B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Palmer IF; Palmer TN; Paranjpye RP; Paulson JD; Pemberton WP.
Graves, Charles E
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Palmer WE; Peniakoff V; Phillips HW; Philp AL; Pittoun[m] WP.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Palmer, CA; Palmer, FC; Palmer, JJ; Passingham, G; Patch, JD; Percival, BA; Pocklington, HC; Prior, EH; Pryce, HV; Purvis, JE.