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Admissions - T

Includes: Tanner, J.R.; Tarleton, A.P.; Tarleton, F.; Tarleton, L.G.; Tarrant, E.G.; Tate, J.M.; Tatham, C.R.; Taylor, J.; Taylor, J.; Taylor, J.B.; Taylor, J.H.; Taylor, J.J.; Taylor, J.S.; Taylor, R.; Taylor, T.; Taylor, T.A.O.; Teape, W.M.; Teasdale, J.; Tebbitt; Terrell, H.; Terry, F.; Terry, J.; Thomas, D.; Thomas, H.; Thomas, H.S.; Thomas, J.; Thomas, T.V.H.; Thompson, C.L.; Thompson, E.W.; Thompson, F.L.; Thompson, G.; Thompson, H.J.; Thompson, H.; Thompson, W.N.; Thorman, R.; Thornber, J.F.P.; Thornton, W.H.; Tobin, J.; Toller, A.; Tonkin, T.T.; Torr, J.H.W.; Town, W.E.; Townsend, R.G.; Towsey, A.; Tracey, A.C.; Trasenster, E.A.; Treadgold, T.G.; Trumper, J.F.W.; Trundle, G.; Tucker, W.F.; Tunstall, F.W.W.; Turner, E.W.; Turner, G.W.; Turner, T.A.; Twamley, Z.; Twyne, W.R.

Parkinson, Stephen

Admissions - T

Includes: Tait, HN; Taylor, AD; Taylor, DG; Taylor, GA; Taylor, JN; Templeman, WH; Terry, FS; Thomas, RL; Thomas, T; Thompson, AR; Thompson, CN; Thompson, EE; Thompson, SL; Thorne-Waite, A; Tomlinson, GA; Thursby, W; Ticehurst, CB; Toolis, JH; Topley, WW; Toppin, C; Towle, JH; Townsend, RW; Tozer, SP; Trott, FW; Turner, WL.

Admissions - T

Includes: Tate, RW; Taylor, AD; Taylor, DG; Taylor, JN; Teall, GH; Templeman, WH; Terry, FS; Thomas, FE; Thomas, LM; Thompson, AC; Thompson, EE; Thwaiter, G; Ticehust, CB; Ticehurst, GA; Tiddy, CWE; Tinling, JF; Topley, WW; Towle, JH; Turner, GJ; Tyrell, CF;

Macalister, Donald

Admissions - S

Includes the admissions papers on: Sanders, T C; Scott, K; Seale, J L; Sears, G W; Slater, W R; Smith, V J; Smith, W C; Spooner, R C; Snushall, D B; Symon, J P.

Admissions - S

Includes: Said, M; Sale, D M; Salinger, C G; Saloway, R H; Sands, L C; Scantlebury, R M; Scott-Moncrieff, R; Scullard, H H; Serjeant, R B; Seton, W G; Sewell, J E; Sharp, W G; Sharpe, E E; Shaw, A; Shaw, G D; Shepherd, L J; Shillan, C A; Shrubbs, E G; Simmonds, R J; Simpson, J C; Sloane, J S; Smart, D F; Smith, H P; Smouha, E H; Snowden, J S; Snowden, R E; Sobey, W H; Somerville, D M; Southern, J R; Spackman, F S; Spelman, S G; Spence, A M; Spencer, W; Spence-Thomas, R F; Squire, R H; Standring, W G; Steers, D H; Stevenson, P V; Streatfield, T E; Stuart, D H; Stuart, J; Stuart, M M; Suggitt, L; Sutcliffe, J H; Sutton, G R; Symonds, F P; Symonds R A.

Admissions - S

Includes: Saben, P.; Sampson, J.R.; Sanders, C.H.M.; Sandford, F.; Sandford, H.; Saxton, E.J.; Scaife, H.W.; Scantlebury, A.; Scholfield, J.H.; Scholfield, W.T.; Schuyler, A.G.; Schuyler, E.E.S.; Scott, A.C.; Scott, A.L.; Scott, C.A.; Scott, J.D.; Scott, J.B.; Seed, W.; Seeley, H.G.; Sellon, A.G.; Sewart, A.W.; Sharrock, J.A.; Shelley, E.P.; Shepherd, W.R.; Sheppard, W.H.; Shucker, A.; Sibley, J.; Simkin, T.L.V.; Simmonds, A.; Simpson, W.H.; Singleton, W.H.; Slack, F.A.; Slater, B.B.; Smale, W.; Smelt, S.; Smith, G.; Smith, H.; Smith, H.; Smith, J.P.; Smith, J.S.; Smith, P.C.; Smith, R.K.; Smith, T.; Smith, W.D.; Smith, W.J.; Smithson, C.H.; Sneddon, J.; Snow, T.O.; Soames, H.A.; Soares, E.J.; Spafford, W.A.; Speck, T.D.; Spedding, J.W.; Speed, F.B.; Spencer, T.B.; Spencer, W.A.; Sprague, J.S.; Square, C.; Squares, R.A.; St. Clair, E.H.G.; Stallard, W.T.; Stamford, H.M.; Stanley, P.C.; Stedman, H.C.P.; Stedman, R.P.; Steele, R.; Steele, W.F.; Stephen, G.V.; Stephen, H.W.; Stephens, J.R.W.; Stephens, T.; Stevens, H.; Stevens, T.; Stewart, M.; Stewart, W.E.; Stock, E.E.; Stokes, A.; Stokes, H.; Stove, J.M.; Stoney, W.C.; Stonham, E.; Stopford, J.B.; Stopford, W.; Storey, E.; Strachan, J.A.; Stradling, E.W.L.; Strahan, A.; Strahan, H.; Street, J.H.; Stretton, G.; Strong, S.A.; Stubbs, F.H.; Sturt, T.; Suart, W.K.; Sutton, A.H.; Swabey, F.E.; Swabey, H.C.; Swallow, G.W.; Swift, A.E.; Swift, C.A.; Swinglehurst, H.E.; Sycklemore, T.J.; Syle, H.W.; Symons, C.J.F.

Parkinson, Stephen

Admissions - S

Includes: Samuel, HM; Sape, RHJ; Sargeant, H; Sargent EH; Sargent EL; Sathe, JL; Savur R; Schwarzmann, RI; Scott, WB; Shackman [Shachman] H; Sharp, CG; Shelton L; Shepherd E; Shepherd W; Sheppard W; Shore L; Shore T; Short J; Sibby, JL; Skene, CMB; Smith, E Smith H; Smith JF; Smith O; Sneath, A; Soden W; Sothers E; Spargo F; Spencer G; Stearn, C; Stenning, EH; Sterndale-Bennett JB; Sterndale-Bennett J; Stewart, DM; Stocks A; Stopford J; Storwell E; Straith C; Stuart H; Stuart, HE; Subbarao,NS; Swift, JM; Sykes W.

Admissions - S

Includes: Sandall, TE; Sargent, PW, Sarson, A; Saxeley, FM; Scott, EF; Scullard, HH; Seccombe, PJ; Sheppard, PG; Sikes, EE; Simmons, E; Smallpiece, AJ; Smallpiece, G; Smith, H; Smith, VM; Smithson, AE; Spenser, HJ; Stacey, FG; Stacey, RH; Staley, JA; Stapley, AM; Stephens, JC; Stowell, R; Strickland, EA; Summers, WC.

Admissions - S

Includes: Sainsbury, A. J.; Salisbury, C. H.; Sampson, R. A.; Schiller, F. N.; Seward, A. C.; Shore, L. E.; Stephens, H. O'R.; Stewart, R. P.; Stroud, H.

Hill, Edwin

Admissions - S

Includes: Sacre, H.M.; Said, M.; Sampson, G.F.; Samson, R.M.; Sandwith, H.; Sandwith, J.R.; Sanders, W.M.; Sandoe, C.F.; Sandys E.T.; Sandys, J.S.; Sanger, F.; Sanger, J.; Sankey, E.H.O.; Sapsworth, C.; Savielle, G.A.; Sawyer, H.C.; Scarborough, O.L.; Schmitz, H.E.; Scott, P.C.; Seamer, H.; Sells, A.; Sellwood, J.B.; Semple, R.H.; Serjeant, F.V.C.; Sharman, A.H.; Sharp, G.; Sharp, H.J.; Sharp, W.J.; Sharples, O.E.L.; Shaw, P.E.; Sheldon, A.H.; Sherif, M.; Sherrington, W.S.; Shimield, W.S.; Sibly, F.A.; Sidebottom, J.; Simmons, W.W.; Simpkinson, H.W.; Simpson, E.L.; Simpson, E.; Slater, G.; Smith, A.B.; Smith, A.D.; Smith, A.E.; Smith, A.H.; Smith, B.A.; Smith, D.A.; Smith, E.W.; Smith, G.C.M.; Smith, G.H; Smith, G.M.; Smith, H.B.; Smith, H.W.; Smith, H.G.; Smith, H.G.; Smith, N.H.; Smith, S.M.; Smith, T.; Smith, W.L.; Souper, N.B.; Southworth, E.T.; Soyeshima, M.; Speight, H.; Spencer, R.; Spragg, W.H.; Spurway, W.B.P.; Squires, S.R.; Stafforth, J.; Stanwell, H.B.; Stevens, S.W.; Stone, W.A.; Storey, E.G.; Storey, F.G.; Stoughton, J.W.; Stout, G.F.; Stout, J.F.; Strangeways, B.P.; Stuart, C.M.; Stuart, E.A.; Stuart, R.A.; Stuart, W.; Sturgess, F.D.; Surgey, H.H.; Sutcliffe, W.O.; Swann, H.A.

Admissions - S

Includes: Saberton, FR; Saint, PJ; Sandall, HC; Sandall, TE; Sands, PC; Sanger, F; Sargeant, H; Sargent, DG; Sargent, PW; Satterly, J; Scott, EF; Scott, EL; Scott, SH; Scougal, HJC; Scoular, AC; Sen, PK; San, RC; Sethna, DS; Shannon, GC; Shepley, GH; Shingleton-Smith, LS; Sibly, FA; Sills, TB; Simmons, WW; Simpson, GCE; Skene, FN; Sleight, AB; Sloley, RW; Smallpiece, AJ; Smith, GE; Smith, GH; Smith, GU; Smith, VM; Soares, EJ; Sodah, TT; Stacey, FG; Staley, JA; Stanton, JV; Stead, WJ; Stephens, JC; Stearn, N; Stevenson, CM; Stewart, LT; Stewart, TG; Strickland, JR; Stokes, CH; Story, AJ; Strain, TG; Strangeways-Pigg, T; Strickland, EA; Stuart, T; Stuart, W; Sukthankar, VS; Sumner, FW; Sutherland, DG; Sweeting, ET; Sykes, MG;

Macalister, Donald

Admissions - S

Includes: Sadiq, K.N.; Sainsbury, A.J.; Salisbury, C.H.; Sampson, R.A.; Sanders, R.L.; Sargent, H.; Scarlin, W.J.C.; Schroder, H.M.; Shawcross, H.W.; Sherwen, W.S.; Siddique, M.; Simpson, H.; Skene, W.H.; Skrimshire, J.F.; Small, J.; Smith; Smith, P.G.; Smith, R.T.; Sneath, H.; Stephens, D.; Stewart, R.P.; Stewart, J.A.; Stocks, J.E.; Storey, H.; Stroud; Sumner, C.C.; Sumner, F.W.; Swallow, G.W.

Ward, Joseph Timmis

Admissions - S

Saint, PJ; Salmond, WG; Sanceau, RJ; Sandall, HC; Sanger, J; Sayers, EF; Scarth, RE; Schoeller, E; Schoeller, TL; Scott, RF; Scholfield, RD; Scott, EL; Scoular, AC; Shanly, H; Sharp, TH; Shaw, PE; Shepley, GH; Shingleton-Smith, LS; Simmons, LFG; Simpson, GCE; Simpson, P; Skinner, CR; Skinner, H; Slater, SB; Sleight, AB; Sloley, RW; Smith, CF; Smith, HLC; Smith, LD; Sparks, CH; Spink, JF; Stanier, H; Steimann, BB; Stevenson, CM; Stewart, TG; Stockwood, IH; Stoddart, JR; Stokes, CH; Strain, TG; Street, RO; Stuart, CM; Sukthankar, V; Sutherland, DG; Sutherland, GA; Swords, WF; Symonds, NP.

Admissions - R

Includes: Radcliffe, C W; Raffle, W: Rafique, A; Rao, V G; Rau, B S; Read, A J; Reece, F B; Rennie, D W; Rice, H G; Rice, L C; Richardson, R J; Ritchie, C H; Roberts, C E; Roberts, H E; Robinson, J J; Robinson, L F; Rockwood, W R; Rogerson, W J; Ronaldson, J B; Rose, F G; Rose, H A; Rosenberg, N E; Rosenthal, C A; Roseveare, W N; Roseveare, R P; Ross, J E; Rowell, A H; Rowett, F E.

Admissions - R

Includes: Radford, HA; Raw, W; Rippon, RW; Robertson, AJ; Robinson, JF; Robinson, JJ; Roby, JB; Rolleston, HD; Rose, FA; Rosenberg, GF; Roughton, H; Russell, CL; Rustomjee, PH.

Results 5321 to 5340 of 5829