- SJCR/SJAC/1/2/Sikes/1/3
- Item
- 1912-1922
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: student lists; correspondence; notes; circulars; examination lists and student recommendations.
Brumell, Edward
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: pupils' courses and exam results; correspondence to Sikes, note from Sikes to pupil; students are listed alphabetically at the back
Sikes, Edward E
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: correspondence. between Ernest A. Benians and Robert F. Scott, (Master), relating to Board of Education grants to ex-service students and others (1919-22); also miscellaneous tutorial office correspondence, 1928-1929 includes a letter naming nine Kitchener Scholars, letters related to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and payments for scholarships for children of agricultural workers.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: a volume entitled 'Tutor's Instructions' and 3 address books.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: loose leaf of tutorial slips including exam results, course of study relating to students of James Wordie.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Adcock, R; Aitken, W C; Alcock, R S; Alexander, C G; Allan, D S; Allen, F S; Allen, R W; Amin, M L; Armitage, E J; Armstrong, J B; Asem, A K; Ashby, R T; Aspinall, W B; Astle, E W; Athanassoff, V; Atkinson, J R; Atkinson, P D; Athenson, T W; Athinson, W; Avery, E N.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Babbage, I R; Badreldin, A L; Bagley, J H; Baker, J A; Baldwin, N M; Bancroft, G C; Sinhji, K S; Banks, J D; Barber, J B; Barkby, J S; Barker, R R; Barnes, R S; Barron, J; Barrett, J H; Barrett, L A; Barton, J H; Barue, S G; Bassett. E G; Bate, N K; Beale, J M; Beale, N B; Beale, R W; Bealty, R A; Beaumont, K; Beharrell, G D; Bell, G T; Bell, H G; Benians, M A; Bennett, P L; Bennett, P R; Beza-Daponte, C; Bhagwati, J N; Bhandari, D P; Bilsby, H; Black, P R; Blackman, P F; Blackwell, B D; Blanch, J W; Bishop, W D; Bode, K; Bolt, D D; Booth, N; Bowen, E R; Bower, T J; Boyes, W E; Bradford, J E; Bradlow, E P; Brain, M B; Bramwell, H; Brander, I C; Bray, J C; Brewster, J; Briggs, G H; Britton, R H; Broadbent, E; Brocklehurst, F; Brough, J; Brown, A H; Brown, F R; Bryce, R B; Bryers, R H; Buchanan; A B; Buchanan, D B; Burch, W E; Burns, I F; Bursill, C; Barton, C A; Burton, D A; Burton, W G; Butcher, H J; Button, J C; Butyer, H W; Byrne, J J; Bywaters, K R; Burn Callander, H R.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Campbell, J D; Campbell, R; Cantopher, J K; Carnell, G G; Carpenter-Jacobs, W E; Carris, B D; Carrole, P M; Carson, J E; Carswell, A; Carter, C F; Carter, D; Cartwright, H; Cash, F W; Casson, G N; Caughley, J G; Chanthri, J R; Chamberlain, J R; Chamberlain, R; Champness, J A; Chan, S F; Chapman-Andrews, E A; Charlesworth, G B; Chotzner, J R; Christie, A K; Christie, J B; Clarke, B A; Claxton, P F; Cleave, W P; Coburn, D; Cole, R T; Coleby, B; Collier, F K; Collis, H J; Collison, V E; Colson, A F; Common, D K; Connell, R M; Constant, M B; Cooksley, G A; Cooper, J N; Corby, H D; Corney, J V; Cornwall, I W; Cornwell, D J; Corsellis H A; Corsellis, J A; Cousen, C; Continho, F H; Cowan, J; Cowper, M R; Cragg, F T; Craik, K J; Crane, J A; Craven, A; Creek, E G; Crossley, F L; Crosthwaite, C N; Crothers, J C; Croston, A K; Crowther, D J; Cule, E W; Culpin, C; Culpin, S; Cunningham, M A.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: de Cunha, J W; Dain, J; Dalvi, G V; D'Antal, A L; Darlington, J A; Darmon, S E; Davidson, A G; Davidson, A L; Davidson, J W; Davies, D E; Davies, D L; Davies, G B; Davison, B M; Dawson, E J; Del Mar, R H; De Mel, L H; Denman, G R; Dent, J C; De Silva, H R; De Silva, N M; de Styrcea, J; de Valence, GM; de Winton, C F; DianSeras, R; Dichmont, I A; Dickinson, J S; Dickson, E C; Diggle, J; Dimmock, E J; Doggart, A P; Donald, J M; Douglas, B K; Douglas, I K; Dow, J A; Draper, P J; Drayton, W J; Drinkwater, A P; Duce, A G; Dudley, J G; Duff, W L; Duncan, A B; Dunlop, J R; Dunlop, T; Dunlop, W B; Dunn, G D; Durbin, J; Durham, P W.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Eason, T W; Eden, A; Elgood, R L; Elliott-Binns, M F; Eugenides, E; Evans, D H; Evans, H E; Evans, V; Eve, S T; Evelyn-Jones, L.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Farr, P J; Farrar, R H; Faulks, P J; Faulkner, J H; Fearnside, K; Feather, C E; Felts, P; Fernando, C F; Fidler, J C; Field, D H; Finkelstein, M B; Finnie, J; Forbes, A; Ford, J H; Forgan, T A; Forrester, B H; Forrester, W H; Forse, J; France, K R; Francis, H E; Fraser, I R; Fraser, K; Freeman, E J; Furness, J B.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Galbraith, I R; Gamble, J C; Garner, H C; Gaskell, W H; Gebhard, J L; Genders, A C; Genders, W R; George, B H; Gerrard, R O; Gibb, J M; Gibson, C E; Gilchrist, R T; Gilchrist, R R; Gill, A; Gill, S; Gillespie, J K; Gillett, K A; Gilroy, J M; Goddard, L S; Goldie, A W; Gonzalez, A; Goode, J; Gooderson, R N; Gornall, C J; Gorringe, J A; Gould, L J; Graaff, J dV; Graham-Martin, H N; Granger-Taylor, J; Green, D E; Green, H N; Green, M B; Gregory-Smith, T; Grimsdell, E H; Grint, L A; Grove, L S; Guthrie-Jones, G W; Gwyn, J D.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Haigh, F T; Hall, B; Hancock, C M; Hanmer, S H; Hansford, J T; Harbinson, W K; Harbour, H E; Harden, C G; Harding, D A; Harper, D N; Harris, E B; Harris, H S; Harrison, B T; Harrison, E; Harrison, M B; Hart, E L; Hassan, S; Hassan, T A; Haswell, A J; Haughton, M F; Harpt, A M; Haviland, D W; Hay, J J; Hay, R M; Hayman, C H; Hayman, H J; Hayman, J D; Healey, R G; Heap, A; Heatley, N G; Hendry, J F; Henstock, R; Herd, T B; Higgins, L T; Higginson, H W; Hill, P E; Hills, K A; Hilton, P T; Hinsley, F H; Hiremath, J R; Ho, K F; Hobbs, L P; Hobson, A J; Hobson, S W; Hockin, J R; Hodge, J; Hodgetts, R B; Hodgson, T R; Holdsworth, J A; Holgate, J W; Hore, A R; Hopkin, W A; Hopson, D W; Horberry, W R; Hore, H S; Hornak, H; Horne, M R; Horne, R R; Horsfield, W D; Horsford, E J; Howard, J; Huck, R J; Hughes, D W; Hughes, P; Hulme, A; Hunter, B V; Hurrell, A; Hussey-Freke, A F; Hutchinson, A L; Hutton, T B; Hyde, D E.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Ibrahim, A M; Iles, G B; Inaba, V M; Ince, C A; Ingram, W M; Inns, F C; Iqbal, M.
Wordie, James
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Jackson, A J; Jackson, A D; Jackson, J F; Jackson, M A; Jackson, R; Jackson, R H; Jackson, R F; Jacob, F B; James, D E; James, G S; James, H M; James, L H; James, T C; Jander, J H; Jarman, R A; Jarvis, P C; Jayanama, C; Jecjubhoy, P J; Jeeves, M A; Jefferis, R S; Jenkins, D P; Jesty, J B; Jimerez, M; Johnson, C A; Johnson, H W; Johnson, J A; Johnson, M A; Johnson, W A; Johnston, G A; Johnston, G R; Johnston, R S; Johnstone, R D; Jollans, W M; Jones, D G; Jones, D P; Jones, E L; Jones, E J; Jones, I L; Jones, J K; Jones, L C; Jones, W L; Jordan, G M.
Wordie, James