- SJCR/SJAC/1/2/Gregory/2/19
- File
- 1912 - 1916
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Watson WV; Westlake AT; White RH; Williams RL; Wilson AS; Wilson AW; Wong M; Wood TA; Woolrich WG.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Watson WV; Westlake AT; White RH; Williams RL; Wilson AS; Wilson AW; Wong M; Wood TA; Woolrich WG.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wace, H.; Walker, D.; Walker, R.H.; Wallis, F.W.; Walsham, H.; Walters, F.B.; Walton, O.F.; Ward, A.W.; Ward, G.W.C.; Ward, H.; Ward, J.T.; Ward, T.M.; Ward, T.C.; Ward, W.H.; Ware, D.P.; Warleigh, F.L.; Watkins, J.; Watkins, W.; Watson, A.M.; Watson, F.; Watson, G.W.; Watson, J.; Watts, E.H.R.; Webb, A.J.; Webb, A.E.; Webb, E.J.; Webb, S.W.P.; Webber, E.J.; Webber, W.A.; Webster, W.H.; Weldon, W.F.R.; Wellacott, W.T.; Welldon, J.T.; Wells, T.B.; West, B.; West R.H.; Whaley, F.W.; Wheatcroft, J.G.R.; Whitaker, G.H.; White, F.; White, J.H.; Whitfield, C.F.; Whitfield, M.W.; Whitmell, C.T.; Wickens, H.J.; Wickham, R.W.; Wild, E.J.; Wilkes, H.H.; Wilkes, J.; Wilkes, S.R.; Wilkes, T.W.; Wilkins, E.W.; Wilkinson, A.F.; Wilkinson, M.E.; Willacy, H.G.; Willcox, F.; Williams, A.; Williams, A.A.; Williams, A.H.; Williams, C.F.; Williams, H.A.; Williams, I.; Williams, O.; Williams, R.P.; Williams, R.L.; Williams, T.; Williams, T.; Williams, W.G.; Williams, W.S.G.; Williamson, C.C.; Williamson, F.J.; Willis, H.G.; Wilson, A.R.; Wilson, J.; Wilson, J.; Wilson, W.B.; Wilson, W.L.; Wilson, W.M.O.; Wilton, F.R.; Winans, R.R.; Winans, W.G.; Winch, G.T.; Winch, R.F.; Windley, T.W.; Windsor, L.R.G.; Wing, R.P.; Winstanley, J.A.; Winter, J.H.; Wiseman, J.G.; Wood, H.P.; Wood, H.T.; Wood, R.M.; Wood, W.; Woodhouse, A.C.; Woodhouse, R.I.; Woodman, H.; Woods, W.A.; Moodward, W.H.; Wooler, W.U.; Woolley, A.D.; Worsley, G.M.; Wright, R.A.A.; Wrigley, P.T.; Wyatt, G.D.; Wybergh, W.; Wyles, W.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Waddington, H.A.; Waldon, W.; Ward, H.; Warren, B.J.C.; Watkinson, G.; Watson, A.; Watson, J.E.; Watts, H.B.; Webster, W.; West, W.S.; White, G.D.; Whiteley, A.; Wilcox, H.; Wilcox, J.C.; Wilkins; Wilkinson, R.B.; Willis, W.N.; Wilson, A.; Winlaw, G.P.; Wise, J.S.; Woffindin, H.L.; Woodhead, F.E.; Woodhouse, R.I.; Worsley, S.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wacher, D M; Wailes, R; Walker, P O; Walker, S; Walsh, E; Walsh, H; Waring, D A; Warren, M A; Warriner, R P; Watson, B A; Watson, C R; Watts, R J; Webb, H H; Wells, J S; Wendt, H L; Weston, W G; Wheeler, G; Whitehead, R B; Whiteley, J E; Whitley, E G; Wiggins, N E; Williams, W L; Willmer, E N; Wilson, G T; Wilson, L E; Wimbush, J C; Winter, J L; Wood, F E; Woodcock, T G; Wragg, N.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Vizard, AE.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Van Hees, AS; Vanzijl, HS; Varwell, RP; Veevers, W; Vercoe, RH; Villy, F; Vincent, JH; Vinycomb, TB; Vizard, AE; Voelcker, JA; Vyvyan, PH;
Macalister, Donald
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Vause, T; Vernon C and Vine B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Van Geyzel, L C; Vause, T R; Vestey, J D; Vickerman, A D; Vincent, S R; Vincent, R W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Vale, HE; Vaidya, SB; Van Druten, HJ; Van Hees, AS; Varwell, RP; Vaughan, AC; Veevers, W; Vercoe, RH; Vigers, EH; Vine, BT.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Vanderspar, E.H.; Vatcher, J.S.A.; Vaughan, J.W.; Vinter, R.K.; Vinter, W.F.; Vipan, F.M.; Von Struermer, H.E.; Vyvyan-Robinson, H.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Vale, H.B.;Varley, T.; Vaughan, M.; Vaughan, P.; Verity, W.H.; Vicars, G.R.; Villy, F.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Vaughan, D B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Verrall; Vines, E.H.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Urie RW.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Taft, H; Tanner, D V; Theobald, R W; Thomas, D L; Thomas, E O; Thomas, G C; Thomas, M L; Thompson, J W; Thompson, W B; Thorold, M; Thors, T; Titterton, L H; Tollit, C C; Toulmin, J H; de Trafford, C H; Trott, A C; Tunstall, W C; Turner, G E; Turner, G R; Turner, R N; Turquet, P M.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Tarleton, J. F.; Telford, J. A.; Toler, J. H.; Tooth, P. E.; Turpin, G. S.
Hill, Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes:Tanner L; Taylor, GMC; Teakle, SG; Tebbitt, HC; Thompson, K; Thorne, PCL; Thorpe C; Toase E; Tompton FG; Toone, CG; Torry, AJD; Town, CA; Townend, MV; Treleaven W; Tremearne, AR; Troubridge, JL; Trought T; Turner, R; Twentyman C.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Tallent, A.T.; Tallent, J.H.; Tapper, H.M.; Tarleton, F.; Taylor, H.H.; Teape, W.M.; Thatcher, N.; Thomas, H.A.; Thompson, A.; Thompson, H.; Tiarks, L.H.; Tillyard, K.; Tobin, T.C.; Tooth, P.E.; Turpin, G.S.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Thom, A W; Thomas, A B; Thomson, A J; Turnbull, D G.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Tate, J; Tate, RW; Taylor, E; Taylor, F; Thomas, JR; Toppin, C; Turner, D; Turner, GJ.