- SJCR/SJAC/4/1/4/2/W
- File
- 1941
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Walker, D.; Ward, D. H.; Wass, D. W. G.; Waton, J. H.; Webster, P. M.; White, N. H.; Whitefield, J. R.; Wilson, D. B.; Woodward, G. W.; Woodwark, G. M.; Worthy, W. D.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Walker, D.; Ward, D. H.; Wass, D. W. G.; Waton, J. H.; Webster, P. M.; White, N. H.; Whitefield, J. R.; Wilson, D. B.; Woodward, G. W.; Woodwark, G. M.; Worthy, W. D.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Weber, G.; Wickens, R.; Williams, K. S.; Williams, P. O.; Williams, P. Williams, R. H.; Whitaker, R.; Wood, P. R. O.; Wright, K. W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Webster, R. C. P., Whiteman, W. M.; Womack, H. A.; Wycherley, R. F.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Watson, F. J. B.; Williams, C. S.; Wilson, C. A. K.; Wilson, R. H.; Wood, F. H.; Wright, N. M.; Wright, T.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Webb, O.G.D. ; Wilson, J.T.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Warner, G.P. ; Whitehouse, W.A. ; Wright, R.A.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wagstaff, R.C.; Webb, J.M.; White, E.E.W.; Whittingham, C.P.; Williams, I.P.; Williams, J.D.B.; Wills, G.S.; Wilson, J.; Wolstencroft, J.H.; Worden, A.N.; Wright, J.F.; Wright, J.W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Walmesley, E.R.; Ward, J.D.; Wardman, A.E.; Ware, F.J.; Waterhouse, R.G.; Wedd, G.M.; Welford, M.T.; Wescombe, A.W.; West, R.L.; Whidby, F.; Whitby, R.P.; Whitehead, D.; Whitehead, V.; Whitmore, D.V.; Whitney, A.; Wilders, J.S.; Wilkinson, F.; Williams, J.H.; Williams, R.P.; Wills, J.B.; Wilson, G.M.; Wilson, J.J.; Winch, J.B.; Winter, R.L.; Wordie, G.T.; Wort, D.J.; Wright, E..
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Watson, R.E., Webber, D.M.; Wellisz, S.H.; White, G.; Wickham, P.G.; Williams, J.M.; Williams, J.V.; Williams, P.H.; Wood, T.G.; Wright, H.G.; Wyatt, M..
Part of The Records of St John's College
Walker, E. J.; Walker, J. M.; Walker, P. E.; Walker, W. G.; Ward, D.A.; Welburn, T.H.; Whitmore, T. C. Wilson. J.R; Wilson, J.F; Wilson. J.R.T; Wood, M. G; Woodhead, B.; Woodhouse, R.C; Woodroffe, G. F; Wordsworth, I. S
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wadham, I.D.; Walker, J.; Walker, M.J.M.; Wallis, C.J.; Walton, J.; Ward, J.L.; Ward, R.H.T.; Waring, A.J.; Watson, A.R.; Watts, B.R.; Webster, B.R.; West, S.E.; Weston, A.J.; Whitfield, D.J.C.; Wicks, G.R.E.; Wilkins, M.; Williams, G.L.; Williams, S.T.; Wood, N.; Woodhouse, F.C.; Woodword, H.D.; Wulfsohn, A.A.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Walker, T.G., Walters, P.W., Warburton, I.C., Waterfield, B.J., Waters, S.J., Way, R. J., Webster, R.F., Webster, R.G., West, J.D., White, A.R., White, G.A., Whitty, J.M., Whyte, P.J., Wicken, A.J., Wight, J., Wildman, A.R., Wintersgill, M.J., Wolstencroft, R.D., Wooley, D., Wright, D.J., Wyman, H.J.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Whitehouse, F. W.; Wilson, W.; Woodland, P.; Wormell, T. W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Woodman, J. G. W.; Wyllie, H. I. C.; Wyman, J.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Walker, N.G.W. ; Watson, J.S.F. ; Whitehouse, J.J.G. ; Wilkes, M.V. ; Wilson, J.M.G. ; Winlaw, R.W.K. ; Witney, P.N. ; Wraith, J.O.B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wathes, R.S. ; Wheatley, K.W. ; Wilson, J.M.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wandless, K.M. ; Warner, C.R.M. ; West, C.E. ; While, D.A. ; Wiggins, A.E.M. ; Wilkins, M.H.F. ; Wolfe, B.W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Walker, A. D.; Waterfall, C. R.; Waters, J. D.; Watkinson, R. G.; Watt, C. E.; Weaving, M. R. V.; Wernham, J. C. S.; Westlake, E. K.; Whittle, G. A.; Whitworth, M. D.; Wilkie, J. R.; Williams, R. D.; Wilmot-Dean, P. W.; Wilson, I. H.; Woodroffe, C. P.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Wace, G. R.; Waters, R. W.; Watkin, J. E.; Watts, R. N. C.; Way, D. J.; Wells, P. H.; White, J. G. C.; Wide, N. S.; Wilkes, K. W.; Wilkinson, A.; Wilson, A. T.; Woodcock, B.; Woyka, J. G.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Waiter, R.E.; Wallace, S.K.; Wallerstein, J-M.; Wallis, J.A.; Ward, D.C.; Ward, J.M.; Warin, O.N.; Watkins, D.L.; Watson, A.J.; Watson, D.C.; West, R.A.; White, H.J.; Williams, B.S.; Willson, A.J; Wilson, D.G.; Wilson, D.M.; Wilson, J. M.; Wood, W.B.; Woodbridge, E.J.; Wordie, P.J.