- SJCR/SJAC/1/2/Bailey/14
- File
- 1940
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Orchard, A C.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Orchard, A C.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Owens FH,
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Orr, W.McF.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Padley, H W; Paige, R; Palmer, J B; Parfitt, E G; Parsons, G B; Pasley, A D; Passmore, D R; Patel, B P; Paterson, G M; Paterson, N K; Paterson, V J; Payne, R J; Peddie, R; Peiris, C J; Peiris, H C; Peterson, E W; Petre, J F; Pettit, D J; Phillips; Pickering, E A; Pilkington, K R; Pollard, S L; Ponisowsky, A; Poole, R R; Porri, C J; Potter, G R; Pounds, N J; Powell, A H; Pravitra, K; Pringle, J; Protheroe, E O; Prouty, C T; Pullan, J McD.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Parry, TW; Parsons, CA; Pearce, BW; Pennington, AR; Prescott, GF.
Hill, Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Pallandt H; Palmer W; Parry B; Partridge G; Paulley H; Peck R; Peel J; Peill, REF; Peiris L; Perry J; Perry, WJ; Powell E; Pratt G; Previk, CW; Previte-Orton; W; Price N; Pride, OL.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Parker, P.aM.; Parry, T.W.; Payne, W.M.; Pearce, B.W.; Pickford, A.G.; Pollard, C.; Powell, C.T.; Pressland, A.J.; Privett, H.; Pullan, H.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Padfield, J E; Palmer, J R; Parr, T T; Petersen, R C; Petherick, E J; Pickett, E S; Pinder, G P; Potter, B R; Potter, G A; Power, B D; Price, A J; Pringle, C N; Prowde, G L.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Paramore, W E; Parnell, F R; Parry, J H; Pascoe, F J; Paskin, J J; Paterson, M W; Paton, A M; Patterson, J R; Patuck, P S; Patuck, R S; Pearson, H; Peiris. L J; Penfold, H L; Phillips, H E; Phillips, S H; Pollard, W M; Powell, N G; Prescott, E; Prideaux, H S; Priston, S B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Palmer IF; Palmer TN; Paranjpye RP; Paulson JD; Pemberton WP.
Graves, Charles E
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Palmer WE; Peniakoff V; Phillips HW; Philp AL; Pittoun[m] WP.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Palmer, CA; Palmer, FC; Palmer, JJ; Passingham, G; Patch, JD; Percival, BA; Pocklington, HC; Prior, EH; Pryce, HV; Purvis, JE.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Page, EJ; Pal, JN; Palmer, CA; Palmer, JJ; Paramore, WE; Parker, HA; Parmenter, NG; Patch, JD; Parnell, FR; Paterson, MW; Paton, AM; Pattison, GN; Patton, GS; Patuck, PS; Patuck, RS; Paulley, WM; Payne, OV; Peachey, F; Peacock, CE; Peake, AH; Pearce, AG; Pellow, JE; Percival, BA; Perkins, CS; Perkins, JS; Pfister, M; Phillips, SH; Philip, CH; Plowright, CC; Poole, AW; Pope, NC; Potter, CG; Prest, EE; Prideaux, HS; Pringle, ND; Prior, EH; Priston, SB; Pryce, HV; Prytherch, DR; Purvis, JE;
Macalister, Donald
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Packer, C.; Page, T.E.; Panton, M.B.M.; Park, R.; Park, W.; Parker, J.; Parker, T.H.; Parry, J.; Parry, J.; Pate, H.W.; Patten, F.W.; Pattinson, H.L.; Paul, J.D.; Peacock, E.A.W.; Peake, J.; Peat, F.B.; Peack, T.W.; Peggie, J.V.; Peirs, J.; Pendlebury, C.; Pendlebury, R.; Penkivil, J.S.S.; Penny, J.J.; Penruddock, F.F.; Percival, H.; Percival, J.A.; Percy, G.A.; Perkes, R.M.; Perrin, F.E.; Perrin, W.E.; Perring, A.R.; Petley, J.L.; Phelps, W.; Phillipps, E.M.; Phillips, H.; Phillips, R.W.; Phillips, W.I.; Pierson, C.H.; Pigeon, H.; Pinck, J.O.; Piper, A.D.; Pitman, A.L.; Pittman, E.A.; Platt, H.; Platt, J.H.; PLatt, J.A.; Pollock, A.H.T.; Porter, H.; Porter, J.R.; Posnett, L.W.; Potts, R.H.; Powell, E.; Powell, T.; Power, C.W.; Praed, F.W.B.; Prescott, C.A.; Preston, R.R.; Price, A.D.; Price, E.M.; Price, F.W.S.; Price, H.J.; Pridden, J.; Prior, A.H.; Procter, J.L.; Pugh, B.; Pugh, J.H.; Pugh, M.H.; Punch, E.A.; Punch, E.G.; Punshon, J.W.V.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Pagan, A.; Paglar, W.H.; Pain, E.; Parker, G.; Pass, H.L.; Paton, J.L.A.; Payne, J.H.; Pearce, R.F.; Pearson, G.G.; Peak, A.M.; Pegg, J.M.; Penny, S.T.; Percival, J.; Perkins, A.B.; Pethybridge, G.H.; Phillips, F.J.L.; Phillips, R.N.F.; Phillips, W.J.L.; Phillips, W.R.; Philpot, F.W.; Picken, W.S.; Pilkington, A.C.; Pitkin, A.J.; Pocock, G.N.; Pond, C.A.M.; Pope, R.M.; Pound, R.W.G.; Powell, N.G.; Poynder, A.J. Poynder, G.W.; Price, J.; Price, W.G.; Price, W.H.; Prowde, J.; Prowde, R.; Purdon, E.W.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Quass P and Quick E.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Quirk, J.N.
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Quainton, C.R.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Radcliffe, C W; Raffle, W: Rafique, A; Rao, V G; Rau, B S; Read, A J; Reece, F B; Rennie, D W; Rice, H G; Rice, L C; Richardson, R J; Ritchie, C H; Roberts, C E; Roberts, H E; Robinson, J J; Robinson, L F; Rockwood, W R; Rogerson, W J; Ronaldson, J B; Rose, F G; Rose, H A; Rosenberg, N E; Rosenthal, C A; Roseveare, W N; Roseveare, R P; Ross, J E; Rowell, A H; Rowett, F E.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Reddy CR and Rose HC
Graves, Charles E