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Book of deliverences

Book of receipts and deliverances [sic].
180 pages

  • p. 2: receyts at diverse tymes from 1 Jan 1498/9
  • p. 26: money receyved the 7 day of February 1501/2 of Miles Worsley of his debet of his last accounts at Candlemas last past.
  • p. 31: receyte made by Dr Hugh Assheton and Mr Hugh Olden, 1502/3
  • pp. 35-37: Delyverance at diverses tymes by my lady from 14 January 1499/1500 - mostly payments to William Bedell, treasurer of my ladys household
  • pp. 38-40: Delyveraunces at certain tymes from 4 January 1499/1500 - payments to Miles Worsley
  • pp.46-48: Delyveraunces at diverse tymes from 14 January 1500/1 to Miles Worsley
  • pp. 50-52: Money delyvered to the Tresorer for the expenses of her household from 7 February 1501/2 to 17 January 1502/3
  • p.53: ...delyvered by the hands of Mr Chauncelor to John Dautre of Southampton 21 August
  • pp.55-58: Money delyvered to Myles Worsley from 7 February 1501/2 to 19 January 1502/3
  • pp.59-60: Money delyvered to William Bedell from 14 January 1502/3 to 12 January 1503/4
  • pp. 61-62: Notes of arrears. Memorandum of mony delyvered unto the foresaid Tresorer [William Bedell] by the hands of Myles Worsley whereoff the said Miles hath alowance in hys account among pryor payments.
  • pp.65-67: Money delyvered to Miles Worlsey from 19 January 1502/3 to 10 January 1503/4
  • pp69-71: Memorandum of money delyvered to William Bedell from 14 Jan 1503/4 to 11 Dec 1504
  • pp.75-78: Memorandum of money delyvered to Miles Worsley from 14 Jan 1503/4 to 21 Dec 1504
  • pp. 83-84: Receyts of mony from 17 Jan 1503/4 to 15 Jan 1504/5.
  • pp. 85-86: Receyts of mony to may lady Cofferes from 15 Jan 1505/5 to [Jan 1505/6]
  • p.87: Somme totall of all mony receyved of Hugh Assheton clerke within the tyme aforesaid £4102.3.7½
  • pp.91-93: Memorandum of mony delyvered unto the Tresour of household from 13 Jan 1504/5 to [12 Jan 1505/6] [Item paid by the hands of Nicholas Sanders]
  • pp.101-104: Memorandum of mony delyvered unto Myles Worsley from 13 Jan 1504/3 to [December 1505] [ - with other money received by Worsley]
  • pp. 107-109: Money delyvered to James Morise for the works from 2 March 1504/5. Includes: item delyvered to the said James [Morice] ... by the hands of Miles Worsley for the bildyng Cristes Colledge in Cambryge. .... Item delyvered a nother tyme... by the hands of Mr Chanceller and Mr Controller .. the foresaid reparations of Christs Colledge... to the hands of Mr Sykelyng [John Sycling, first Master of Christ's College]
  • pp.111-114: Receytes of mony from 15 Jan 1503/6 to [January 1506/7][Mostly from Hugh Ashton some by the hands of Miles Worsely. Other payments by Sir Henry Willoughby (money lent), John Turney (for the ward of Jane Godston), William Bedell, Treasurer of the Household, James Mores [Morice], clerk of works
  • pp.117-120: Mony delivered unto the tresourer of household from 13 Jan 1505/6 to Jan 1506/7; payments made by the hands of Nicholas Saunder
  • pp.123-125: Mony delivered unto Myles Worsley from 13 Jan 1505/6 [to Jan 1506/7]
  • pp. 126-129: “The iij day of October the first yer of Kinge Henry the viij [1509]. Memorandum than the money received of M Fotehede as appareth in the thred lefe folowinge ther remaineth the day afore written as appereth in lower ende of the said iijd lefe the parcellis as ensuing” [list of items, numbered 1-15; some have ‘Mettcalf’ in margin. – receipts from John Mundy, goldsmith London, in part payment for plate sold; mony found in the coffers in the custody of Maister Garth Fowler as apperith in con bagge sealed with the seale of Sir John Saynt John… Mony received from Sir Thomas Mawdyslay as well for plate as for other stuff of my lady by him sold. (p.127).
  • pp.130-131: Recyeytt of mony from 13 Jan 1506/7 to [December 1507] mostly from Hugh Ashton
  • pp.132-133: Memorandum received 12 July [1509] of John Fotehed, Master of Michael House in Cambridge, by my lorde of Rochester, Sir John Saint John and Henry Hornsby, with particulars of payments to the Abbot of Peturborough and John Fotehead, for my ladys use

Bonds: Longstowe and Bourn

Bonds for performance of covenants in a lease. The bonds are between the College and William and John Lister; and the College and Joshua and John Allen

St John's College, Cambridge

Bond: Roger Bell

Bond of Roger Bell, Throuthorpe, Yorkshire yeoman, to the Lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond, for the payment of 32 s. 9 d. at the feast of Corpus Christi and the Exaltation of the Cross; with a note of receipt by Hugh Ashton.

Bond: Richard Wentworth

Bond of Richard Wentworth to Lady Margaret, to abide by her arbitration in a dispute with Lady Elizabeth Scrope.
Signature and seal of: Rychard Wentworth

Dorse: Lady Scrope, who married as her second husband Sir Henry Wentworth, of Nettlestead, Suffolk.

Wentworth, Richard

Bond: Peter Thoryson [Torrigiano]

Bond of Peter Thoryson [Pietro Torrigiano] graver, Leonard Friscobald, and John Cavalcant acknowledging their obligation to pay the executors of the Lady Margaret fifty pounds before 1 February next following.
23 November, 3 Hen: VIII
Signed: "Pietro Torrigiani. schultore fiorentino" "per me leonardus frescobald". "per me giovanni caualle per me"

Bond: Henry Stanhope

Bond of Henry Stanhope, of Houghton, Nottinghamshire, to the Lady Margaret in £200, to keep the award made by Robert Urmeston, Robert Brudenell and William Cutlers, serjeants at law, concerning the title and possession of the Manor of Houghton, now in variance betwixt [between] Henry Stanehop [Stanhope] and Edward Stanehop [Stanhope], and to bring to Collyweston evidence, charters and muniments.

Boats: LMBC

Includes tables of boat race results, press cuttings about races; boat race fine receipts; and trophy receipts. Names of boats not given

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