- SJCR/SJAC/1/2/Gregory/2/3
- File
- 1910-1919
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Cheetham EM; Collins EJ; Crowther HA; Cubbon HT.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Cheetham EM; Collins EJ; Crowther HA; Cubbon HT.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Callender, T O; Calvin, A A; Carse, W; Carter, H S; Carus, A; Chapman, A R; Chapman, A S; Chapman, E N; Charlton, W H; Chaudhuri, S K; Clarke, D F; Cohen, L G; Clark, A E; Clements, J S; Clothier, P T; Coggan, F D; Colby, J B; Cole, W A; Collings, H D; Colman, E W; Colvin, G R; Common, F G; Connell, W J; Cope, A A; Cox, G E; Craig, J A; Craig, N V; Craig, T B; Cranford, W G; Crawley-Boevey, R M; Crone, G R; Crump, A B.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Callender, RH; Cama, AK; Cama, CBN; Cameron, GHF; Cameron, HC; Carlisle, EJ; Carlyll, HB; Carpenter, CG; Carruthers, K; Carter, WH; Casson, R; Chalmers, SD; Chapman, ARB; Chapple, H; Chasteney, HE; Chatterji, AK; Checkland, MB; Clarke, ER; Clarke, JH; Clarke, D; Cleland, JR; Clements, WT; Cliff, AP; Clough, T; Clouts, P; Clow, AG; Coad, CN; Cole, FE; Cole, FG; Cole, JH; Coleman, ND; Constable, WG; Coombes, JEH; Coombs, AG; Coore, C; Corbett, CH; Craggs, EWF; Crauford, LG; Crowther, JA; Cullen, AE; Cullis, L; Cummins, CA; Cummins, FJ; Curzon-Siggers, WA; Cutting, E.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Cahusac; Cassell; Chevalier; Chidell; Clark, GW; Cleave, P; Clifton; Cousins; JR; Cousins, WA; Cuff; Cuthbertson, FE.
Hill, Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers for: Carnell, G G; Cartwright, H; Coburn, D; Cole, R T; Croston, A K; Corney, J V; Cunningham, M A; Cooper, J N; Colson, A J.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Cama, BN; Cama, CN; Camell, J; Campbell, AY; Cameron, HC; Cameron, S; Carey, WM; Carlyll, HB; Carter, CC; Chalmers, SD; Chapple, A; Chapple, H; Chell, JW; Churchwood, AC; Clarke, EM; Clarke, ER; Clements, WT; Clissold, W; Clough, T; Coad, CN; Cole, FE; Cole, RJ; Cole, RT; Cook, SJ; Coombs, AG; Coop, W; Coore, C; Cory, CG; Coulthard, RH; Cowan, JM; Cowie, RA; Cox, HB; Cox, HS; Craig, G; Crawford, LG; Crawford, W; Cripps, R; Crowther, CR; Crowther, JA; Cullen, AE; Cullis, L; Cresswell, A; Cunningham, JA; Cutting, EM;
Macalister, Donald
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Callis, AW; Calvert, W; Campbell, J; Canham, HRF; Carew, CRS; Carlisle, E; Carlisle, HH; Carnall, A; Carr, AC; Carr, ER; Carr, WH; Carter, CA; Carter, JJ; Carter, JT; Carter, RA; Case, F; Cash, N; Casson, EV; Cavalier, EF; Chadwick, TH; Chamberlain, J; Chandler, WK; Channer, EC; Chapman, F; Chapman, WJ; Charlesworth, G; Charlesworth, JG; Charlesworth, WH; Chaudhuri, ADS; Chaytor, E; Cheeseman, HJ; Chester, FE; Chichester, EA; Christie, PR; Clapp, WJ; Clark, D; Clarke, BS; Clarke, ET; Clarke, FW; Clarke, HL; Clarke, J; Clayton, E; Cleeve, A; Close, R; Clementson, JS; Coates, AL; Coates, AE; Coates, WC; Cochrane, AH; Cochrane, HH; Cochrane, JD; Cocks, CM; Colesby, F; Colenso, RL; Collier, EC; Collins, J; Collinson, GF; Collyer, JH; Congreve, JE;
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes the admissions papers on: Davidson, J W; Draper, P J; Dunlop, J R; Douglas, I K.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Dalal, AR; Dalvi, VG; Davenport, A; Davey, AA; Davies, D; Davies, E; Davies, IG; Davis, HJ; Dawbarn, GR; Dawes, HET; Dawson, AM; Dawson, RT; Day, GL; De, B; Denham, HA; Dirsztay, DE; de Mel, FJ; de Silva, LMD; Dickson, R St J; Doggart, WE; Dollman, HC; Dollman, JG; Donaldson, H; Douglas, J; Douglas, WE; Drummond, JB; Dyer, CH.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Daniel JA.
Graves, Charles E
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Dadina, F.M.; Dandy, H.E.; Dastur, S.P.; Davies, D.S.; Davies, H.H.; Davies, J.A.; Davies, J.J.; Dawes, H.S.; Devenish, H.N.; Ditchfield, J.W.H.; Dobbs, W.J.; Dodd, C.E.; D'Souza, F.X.
Ward, Joseph Timmis
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Dadley; Ditchfield; Drysdale; Dyer.
Hill, Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Dale, T.; Darlington,T; Davies, R.B.; Davis, J.; Davison, R.E.; Davys, G.P.; Day, E.M.; Day, F.; Dean, H.G.; Dearden, G.A.; Deed, R.W.; Dennis, A.W.; Dew, S.H.D.; Dewar, D.; Dey, N.L.; Dinnis, F.R.; Dodd, W.H.; Dodson, H.C.; Doherty, W.A.; Donald, J.; Dornhorst, F.S.; Dougan, T.W.; Douglas, A.F.; Douglas, C.E.; Dower, R.S.; Drare, H.; Du Heaume, J.L.G.; Dundas, A.C.; Dyson, F.; Dyson, J.W.
Sandys, Sir John Edwin
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Davis H; Davis, WDR; Day D; Deane, JK; Denham J; Dewick, EC; Dixon C; Dixon, DG; Donne R; Donovan, E; Dunlop J; Durant W; Dyer, CH.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Davies AT; Dumas AB.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: D'Albuquerque, JP; Dale, JB; Davis, AJ; Davis, CN; Davis, RF; De, KC; de Castro, JP; Dervish, M; Deshpande, KG; Dewsbury, F; Dore, SE; Draper, RA; Duncan, WW.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: d'Aguiar, J E; Davey, J; Davies, D R; Davison, E L; Dawson, R S; D'Elboux, R H; Delgado, G L; de Smitt, F E; Devereux, H K; Dias C E; Dobson, R A; Dower, J G; Dynes, M R.
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Dalal, AR; Dally, JT; Davey, AA; Davidge, HT; Davidson, E; Davies, DE; Davies, JD; Davies, JJ; Dawes, HE; Dawson, AM; Dawson, RL; De, BN; De Castro; De Souza, AE; De Souza, EV; De Villiers, JE; Dees, FW; Denham, HA; Dewing, WE; Dickson, R; Diver, OF; Dodgshun, EJ; Dollman, JE; Douglas, AH; Draper, JR; Draper, R; Druce, CL; Drysdale, GF; Dyer, CH; Dyckerhof; E;
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Dale, JW; Dandy, HE; Darby, GB; Darrell, JF; Daubeny, EJ; Daubeny, GW; David, A; Davidson, H; Davies, ET; Davies, FC; Davies, RP; Davy, FC; Davys, AWO: Dawber, J; Dawson, H; Dawson, WO; Deakin, JE; De La Rue,TA; De Vos, FH; Dibdin, LT; Dickson, JT; Dixon, BH; Dixon, J; Doherty, EJ; Done, RH; Dorey, CL; Dowling, RB; Downing, C; Drake, CB; Dredge, N; Drew, CE; Drought, JN; Duckworth, RF; Duncan, W; Dunn, JC; Dymes, FR; Dymock, HM
Parkinson, Stephen
Part of The Records of St John's College
Includes: Edmunds, C; Edwards, CD; Edwards, E; Ellis, CC; English, AE; Evans, HD.