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Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby Hatfield English
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Wardrobe of the Beds: Hatfield

A view of the wardrobe of beds at Hatfield. The items are listed under the headings:

  • pp. 1-2: arrase
  • p. 3: sarcenet
  • pp.5-7: verdours
  • p. 8: square bedds of fyne arras and coutersetts
  • pp.11-12: square bedds of counterpoynts of cloth of gold and silk
  • p.13: counterpoynt palid of aras cloth gold and silk
  • p. 14: counteropoynts of tapestre
  • p.15: counterpoynts of vardors
  • p.16: curtens of sarcenet; canapes of sarcenet
  • p.17: bedds of downe; bolsters of downe
  • p.18: pyllows of downe
  • p.19: bedds of fethers
  • p.20: fustyans, quylts of silke, etc
  • p.21: mattress, volster, blanketts, etc
  • p.22: coverletts
  • p.23: letter maters [leather materials]
  • p.24: travesses of sarcenet, clothes of astate
  • p.25: cosshens of cloth gold and silk
  • p.26: carpetts of dyvers sortes - written at bottom of the page: "Md that all theis carpetts before written be fownd in sauff over the wardop which is supposed to be in John Birds chamber"
  • p.27: cheyers of cloth of gold and silk; cheyers of covered lether; coveryng of the chare and litter
  • p. 28: stayned sayez; rede sayes, grene sayes; black sayez;
  • pp. 29-31: white sayez
    "Store of canvens called ... by Mr Assheton bought"

Miles Worsley

Includes the accounts of Miles Worsley cofferer or treasurer of the chamber to Lady Margaret. The accounts are for the households of Hatfield, Colyweston [Collyweston] and Croydon

Worsley, Miles

Inventory: Roberty Hylton

Inventory made at Hatfield by Robert Hylton yoman [yeoman] of my ladies [lady's] wardrobe of her Robes ther[e] from [14 January 1508/9] unto [16 August 1509].
Begins: Blak [black] velvet. Fyrst [first] of the remanes [remains] of the last accompt. [account]. 11 gownes, 1 hoode, 1 typett [tippet], 70 yards of velvet (provision of 24 yards made by Robert Fremyngham), "wherof Delyvered [delivered] to Maistres [Mistress] Mabell [Mabel] Clifford 1 gown lyned [lined] with blak [black] damask, given to hir [her] by my ladies grace..."

Under headings: Blak Satens [black satins], p.3; Tawny saten [satin], 4; Bla[c]k damask 5; tynseld saten [tinselled satin], 6; bla[c]k brevet, 7; tawny velvet, 9; tawny damask, 9; russet damask, russet saten [satin], 10; yelowe [yellow] saten [satin], whyte [white] damask, 11; tawny chamlet, 12; black chamlet, bukram [buckram], 13; silke [silk] remaynyng [remaining], 14.
p. 15. Certayn [certain] apparaill [apparel] of clothe [cloth] remaynyng [remaining], gownes, peticots [petticoats], mantills [mantles], clokes [cloaks]
pp16-19: blank
p.20. avewe [ A view] taken of Robert Hilton for my ladys robis [robes] by William Bedell and James Morice.

Hilton, Robert

Inventory of Robes

Inventory of robes; also wine sold or given away, glassware, small precious items in Lady Margaret's chamber and closet.
Items listed under the following headings:

  • p.3: peticottes
  • p.4: mantills, clokes
  • p.5: cloth of glod [sic], silkks, furres
  • pp.6-7: stuf ina gret standard
  • p. 8: in a coffer
  • p.9: in my ladys chamber
  • pp. 11-14: dyaper and napery
  • p.15: glasses
  • pp. 16-17: cupbords, pewter, stuf in the closet
  • p. 18: stanard in the juell [jewel] house, gardyviaunts, standards
  • p.19: coffers in the closet, standards in the bed chamber, standards in the gallery
  • p.20: standards in the wardrobe of robes
  • pp. 22-23: spices
  • p.23: pewter
  • pp. 24-28: smalle tresses prysed by Jon Mondy with other.

Also listed:

  • p.21: wyne. Item of Gascon Wyne v tonne
  • sold to Thomas Lovell 1 tonne
  • to my Lord Rochester 1 pipe
  • to Sir John Saint John 1 pipe
  • to the Abbot of Saint Albans 1 tonne
  • to the same Abbot 1 pipe
  • to Mr Chamber[lain] 1 pipe
  • expended at Hatfeld 1 tonne

Also listed:

  • sweet wyne
  • item whit wyne of angey remanet 1 pipe
  • item in malmesay ij butte
  • of ruermerey i butte
  • to the Abbot of Saint Albans if whit wyne of anger 1 pipe
  • to the same abbot i but of malmesey
  • to my Lord of Rochester j but of malmesey
  • to the abbot of Saint Albans j but of ruermerey


Account of Miles Worsley treasurer of the chamber to Lady Margaret. Signature 'Margaret R.' at the bottom of most pages.

  • pp.49: blank
  • pp. 65-67: similar accounts to 14 Jan 1507/8 to 14 Jan 1508/9 [no signature]
  • pp. 69-125: costs and expenses, rewards, with other dyverse [sic] payments... payd by the hands of Miles Worsley: signtures at the bottom of pp. 69-112.


Accounts of Miles Worsley cofferer to Lady Margaret, for the household at Croydon & Hatfield.

  • pp. 1-80: Croydon. Account from 14 Jan 1504/5 to 14 Jan 1505/6
  • pp. 81-82: blank
  • pp. 83-163: Hatfield. Account from 14 Jan 1505/6 to 14 Jan 1506/7
  • pp. 166-172: blank