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Lloyd, John
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Shrewsbury 1: Lambert

Please note that the former reference code for each item (listed below) is for reference purposes only. When submitting a request to view a particular item, please quote the current reference code displayed above, plus the number of the item in the list i.e. SJAR/1/2/Lambert/5/1/1. To view copies of the Eagle online, please visit:

  1. Lambert to Rowland Tench (draft copy). Dated 27 June 1723.

  2. Receipt for acquittances, totalling £240, by John Lloyd to Dr. Bowtell. Dated 1720.

  3. John Lloyd to Lambert. Dated 18 August 1722.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.298.

  4. John Lloyd to John Bowtell (Fellow 1694). Dated 13 April 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.300.

  5. Richard Lloyd to Robert Jenkin. n.d. (1723)
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.301.

  6. Robert Lambert to Richard Lloyd. Dated 3 June 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.303.

  7. William Clarke (Fellow 1717) to Lambert. Dated 12 June (1723).
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.304.

  8. Rowland Tench to Dr Edmondson. Dated 18 June 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.306.

  9. Rowland Tench to Dr Edmondson. Dated 3 July 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.307.

  10. William Clarke (Fellow 1717) to Lambert. Dated 5 July 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.307.

  11. Rowland Tench to Dr. Edmundson. Dated 12 July 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.309.

  12. William Clarke to Lambert. Dated 15 July (1723).
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.310.

  13. Lambert to Edward Chandler, Bishop of Lichfield. 24 July 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.311.

  14. William Clarke to Lambert. Dated 8 August 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.313.

  15. Thomas Philips to Lambert. Dated 10 August 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.314.

  16. Rowland Tench to Dr. Edmondson. Dated 10 August 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.314.

  17. William Clarke to Lambert. n.d. (post-marked 16 September 1723).
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.315.

  18. William Clarke to Lambert. 16 November 1723.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.317.

  19. Thomas Philips to Lambert. 2 January 1724/5.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.318.

  20. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert (?), which includes a second letter from Thomas Philips. 4 February 1724/5.
    Printed, in part, Eagle XXII, p.319.

  21. William Clarke to Leonard Hotchkis. Dated 20 March 1726/7.
    Printed Eagle XXII, p.320.

Tench, Rowland

Shrewsbury 4: Lambert

Please note that the former reference code for each item is recorded in square brackets. The former code is for reference purposes only, and used when consulting transcripts printed in the blue finding aid folder. When submitting a request to view a particular item, please quote the current reference code displayed above, plus the number of the item in the list i.e. SJAR/1/2/Lambert/5/4/1.

  1. John Lloyd to Lambert (the name of Dr Bowtell struck through), concerning the unfavourable reception of William Clarke (the College's nomination for position of headmaster) at Shrewsbury by the Corporation and the payment of arrears owed to the College for scholarships and exhibitions. Dated 3 December 1722. [D83.122]

  2. Jonathan Bernard to Richard Berry (Fellow 1674 & Senior Bursar), with regards a legal dispute involving James Drayner and Henry Wryatt over a land lease. The beginning of a draft reply, dated 21st August 1713, appears on the reverse. Dated 10 August 1713. [D83.123]

  3. Richard Lloyd to Robert Jenkin, concerning a legal dispute over the misapplication of School funds for the purchase of part of the tythe of Betton. Dated 24 December 1720. [D83.124]

  4. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Expresses hope that Lambert has received a letter from Thomas Philips with regards the discovery of a book in his library that may prove consequential to the forthcoming hearing. Dated 18 March 1724/5. [D83.125]

  5. Thomas Philips to Roderick Lloyd, concerning a remittance of twenty guineas to be paid by the College to Philips in return for commission in the legal case against the Corporation. Dated 3 March 1724/5. [D83.126]

  6. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning procedures for the forthcoming hearing, together with notes about appointments at Shrewsbury School. n.d. (post-mark: 2 November 1725). [D83.127]

  7. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning preparations for the legal hearing due to take place on the 15th November. Dated 28 October 1725. [D83.128]

  8. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Hopes that Lambert will have received his previous letter regarding the Commission for Charitable Uses. He has now recovered from his illness and grows stronger daily. Lloyd has prepared his briefs and hopes that Brown will take care to bring the books with him which are to be produced at the hearing. Dated 23 October 1725. [D83.129]

  9. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning Lloyd's recovery from "a fitt of the Palsey" and Lambert's interest in the Commission for Charitable Uses. Lloyd has not heard of such a Commission and does not think it necessary for Lambert to consider it further until after his Cause has been heard. Dated 24 September 1725. [D83.130]

  10. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning the Commission for the application and management of money given for Charitable Uses. Notes in the postscript that the Corporation have ordered the charge for defending Hugh Owen (nominated illegally by the Corporation) against the College will be deducted from remanent stock belonging to the Schools. Dated 6 September 1725. [D83.131]

  11. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning the Commission established to investigate the misapplication of money given for charitable purposes by the Corporation, at present adjourned. Also discusses the execution of a separate Commission completed on behalf of the College by Philips. Dated 13 October 1725. [D83.132]

  12. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Fears that Lambert has not received Lloyd's previous letter, containing a copy of the interrogatory to be examined by Lambert's agent. Confirms that he only wants the examination of the necessary papers by Lambert's agent in order to be ready for next term's hearing, having already received the commission from Salop. Dated 24 April 1725. [D83.133]

  13. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning the preparation of documentary evidence. Dated 29 April 1725. [D83.134]

  14. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Invites Lambert to read a draft copy of the case together with Lloyd's own notes and suggests that Lambert should reply in writing if he has any thoughts on the contents of the draft. Dated 11 June 1725. [D83.135]

  15. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Writes that, while still suffering from the death of his wife, he thought it proper to send a commission to Salop and has arranged for an interrogatory to be executed there. He has also sent an order and a duces tecum under seal of the Court for the Mayor to produce all of the grants, charters and papers mentioned. Dated 6 March 1724/5. [D83.136]

  16. Thomas Philips to Lambert, with regards the details of a book containing a memorandum that reinforces the College's cause and may thus serve as a piece of evidence in the ongoing legal case. Dated 14 March 1724/5. [D83.137]

  17. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning the College's disputed rights in selecting schoolmasters. Invites Lambert to send his attorney or agent to peruse all of the records relating to the College and Shrewsbury School, and therein provide evidence for the College's claim. Dated 19 December 1724. [D83.138]

  18. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Writes that Comyns concurred with Mr Ayloffe concerning the examination of the books and letters to be made exhibits at the hearing. With respect to Lambert's point of making the Bishop of Lichfield party to the Bill, Comyns does not consider it necessary. However, he has bid Lloyd to obtain an order of Court by which to make him party, which Lloyd will do next Saturday, this being the first day of term. Dated 19 January 1724/5. [D83.139]

  19. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning the examination of records by Lambert's agent. Lloyd believes that copies of the presentations should suffice in place in transporting the original bulky book of presentations to London, nevertheless it will be requisite to produce the other books at the hearing. He has written to Phillips for information in order that he may order his interrogatories accordingly. Discusses also the Bishop of Lichfield (see SJAR/1/2/Lambert/5/4/18 above). Dated 26 January 1724/5. [D83.140]

  20. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Writes that he received the letters of Lambert, Comyns and Philips, and has since sought counsel regarding the validity of the evidence put forward by the College. He has been advised that the books containing entries relating to the appointment of schoolmasters at Shrewsbury ought to be produced at the hearing and made exhibits in the cause. Discusses also the case for making the Bishop of Lichfield party to the cause. Dated 12 January 1724/5. [D83.141]

  21. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning Lambert's instructions and Comyns decision to decline making the Bishop of Lichfield party to the bill. Also writes with regards the unpaid money owed to the College for scholarships. Dated 27 January 1724/5. [D83.142]

  22. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Writes that he has taken great care to prosecute the Mayor of Salop and to collect answers. Two of the answers will be filed today, as promised, but it is said that the Corporation answer will be many hundreds of sheets of paper in length and will take some time to prepare. Dated 4 June 1724. [D83.143]

  23. Thomas Philips to Lambert. Writes that he has produced copies of all relevant documents and a bill to be discussed by the College. Dated 25 September 1723. [D83.144]

  24. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning the contents of and corrections to a draft bill. Dated 2 November 1723. [D83.145]

  25. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning evidence for the College's historic involvement in the appointment of schoolmasters, taken from the Corporation books. Dated 3 December 1723. [D83.146]

  26. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning the bill which Lloyd has received from Comyns and a copy of which Lloyd has since had made. Intends that the bill should be filed and the subpoenas served before the term, once Lloyd has consulted Comyns on the contents of the bill. Dated 2 January 1723/4. [D83.147]

  27. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert. Writes that, since the Mayor of Salop et al. have failed to submit their answers, he has sent a distringas against the Mayor and Corporation, and an attachment against the rest of them, which he hopes will serve to hasten their answers. Note in Lambert's hand reads: Answd May 27. 1724 and told of Mr Clarkes taking a Living. Dated 10 May 1724. [D83.148]

  28. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning the charters and ordinances related to the Trust between the College and the Corporation, and other materials needed in the preparation of the bill. Dated 21 July 1723. [D83.149]

  29. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning the content of and breaches to the charters and ordinances by the Corporation by means of the misapplication of revenues, the election of a schoolmaster, and the misuse of remanent stock. Dated 25 July 1723. [D83.150]

  30. Thomas Philips to Lambert. Writes in response to Lambert's previous letter that he will gladly offer his service to the College and will wait to receive further directions from Lambert in due course. Dated 16 July 1723. [D83.151]

31.Thomas Philips to Lambert. Writes that he has waited on Richard Lloyd to obtain copies of the proceedings against him, but that the copies are currently with Lloyd's solicitor and difficult to retrieve them. Recommends that Lambert apply to Philips's agent in Chancery, Robert Savage, for a copy of the decree which sets out all of the proceedings. Philips presumes that the College's minute books indicate a constant good understanding between the College and Corporation magistrates in the matter of appointing schoolmasters until the most recent vacancy. If not, the books of the Corporation may be of service. Dated 20 July 1723. [D83.152]

  1. John Comyns to Lambert. Comyns believes that the rights of the College ought not to be infringed by the bailiffs of Shrewsbury and that the ordinances regarding the election of new schoolmasters must be observed in the future. Since the bailiffs and burgesses have selected a schoolmaster in violation of the ordinances, there are now just grounds for a bill in equity. Offers his further assistance in the matter, should Lambert require it. Dated 24 August 1723. [D83.153]

  2. Leonard Chappelow (Fellow 1717) to Unknown. Sends the presentation of William Clark and his letter. Desires that the recipient write to the Bishop of Lichfield to acquaint him with the details of the statute in relation to Shrewsbury School and to insist upon the right of the College. Dated 22 July 1723. [D83.154]

  3. Thomas Philips to Lambert. Has received Lambert's letters and two receipts, and has written to Michael Brickdale to ask whether he will consent to paying the money owed. Brickdale's reply is that he is ordered to forebear the payment of the Exhibition money on account of the College having refused to accept a nomination sent to them by the School and Mayor of Shrewsbury. Dated 5 April 1725. [D83.155]

  4. List: "Letters concerning Shrewsbury Schoole out of the letter booke". n.d. [D83.156]

  5. Thomas Philips to Lambert, in which he confirms that he has given notice for executing the Commission on the 9th April and has spoken to the School Bailiff (Michael Brickdale), regarding money due for Scholarships and Exhibitions - which will be paid on the basis of recipience of College receipts. Dated 29 March 1725. [D83.157]

  6. Note: "Reference made to an Order of Council, that the College have the same Rights etc. after the Incorporation by Mayor etc. [...]". n.d. [D83.158]

  7. Notes on the history of Shrewsbury School, with references to charters and orders. n.d. (3 pages.) [D83.159]

39a-b. "An Abstract of King Edward 6th Charter, and 7th and 8th Ordinances made by the Bailiffs of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and St. John's College persuant to Edward 6th Charter". Two copies, each on single sheet. Copy 39a (v) includes an endorsement, signed Mr Sargent Comyns. [D83.160]

  1. Michael Brickdale (School Bailiff 1717-1754; Mayor of Shrewsbury 1721-22) to Lambert, concerning an exhibition awarded to Humphry Johnson (B.A. 1727/8). Dated 5 May 1725. [D83.161]

  2. Lambert to the Mayor, Aldermen & Schoolmasters of Shrewsbury School, on behalf of the Master and Senior Fellows of the College. Requests the speedy payment of substantial arrears owed by the Corporation and the School. Challenges the reasons given for non-payment with reference to College rules and statutes concerning the long-standing agreement between the College and the Corporation. Dated 14 September 1721. [D83.162]

  3. Lambert to Mayor of Shrewsbury (copy made in clerk's hand), concerning an outstanding debt to be paid by the Corporation to the College. Also expresses hope that the College may be consulted as to a successor to the Headmaster of the School, Richard Lloyd, and that a dispute between both parties can be avoided. Dated 27 June 1723. [D83.163]

  4. Leonard Hotchkis to Lambert. Writes that he and Rowland Tench visited the Mayor on 27th August in order to notify him of the vacancy in the school, which the Mayor thought was filled. Hotchkis fears that he and others will appeal, but the town is to receive a new mayor after Michaelmas, an "honest man", not often consulted in recent proceedings. Dated 8 September (1726). [D83.164]

  5. Robert Phillips to Lambert, regarding the historic appointment of masters at Shrewsbury School. Writes that records of appointments are few and poorly-kept. Consequently, he has no regular list to draw upon, but has with difficulty uncovered information surrounding the case of Robert Matthews (Third Master 1688-1701), details of which he can now disclose to Lambert. Dated 21 May 1732. [D83.165]

  6. Thomas Philips to Lambert, concerning a copy of a bill submitted by Philips to Roderick Lloyd in a dispute between the Corporation and St. John's College. Dated 16 June 1728. [D83.166]

  7. Roderick Lloyd to Lambert, concerning legal costs and documents. Dated 6 May 1727. [D109.218]

Comyns, John

Shrewsbury Letters: Robert Lambert

Includes letters from Shrewsbury School masters, town officials & College legal advisers, chiefly addressed to Lambert (in his capacity as both Bursar and Master) and others, regarding the finances of the school and its scholarships, and the right of the College to nominate school masters.

The central theme of many of the letters is a dispute concerning the appointment of a successor to Richard Lloyd, who was required to resign his position as Headmaster of Shrewsbury School in 1722. Selected printed transcriptions of letters and a summary of the dispute between the College and Shrewsbury may be found in The Eagle XXII (Easter 1901): p.p. 297-321; XXIII (Lent 1902): p.p.141-170.

For details of the historical relationship between St. John's and Shrewsbury, see Eagle XX (Lent 1899): p.p. 487-489.

To view copies of the Eagle online, please visit

Hotchkis, Leonard