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The Records of Lady Margaret Beaufort Lady Margaret Beaufort
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Yeoman of the Wardrobe: R Hilton

Goods delivered to Robert Hilton, yeoman of the wardrobe for Lady Margaret. The first page of the volume contains the following entry: "This boke made the xxi day of August xvth yere of the reyn of King Henry the VIIth at Coleweston witnesseth that theises parcelles folowyng of the stuf and guds of the Right high and might princesse Margarete Moder unto our said soverayne lord and Countesse of Richemonde and Derby be put and delivered to Robert Hilton yoman of hir wardrobe by him to be surely kept as here aftre appereth.

The items are listed under the headings:

  • gownes (pp.3-4)
  • kirtles (p.6)
  • manteles (p.7)
  • furres (pp.9-10)
  • all maner of silks (p. 17)
  • broken gownes with other stuf (p.24)
  • remanents of peces of clothes (p.31)
  • frice and cotton (p.36)

Individual items are also listed:

  • item: iii grete standarts boudne with iron
  • item: a pyle of cloth for the presse with ii curtyns
  • item: a canvas for the presse

Hilton, Robert

Will: Sir Henry Stafford

Will of Sir Henry Stafford, third husband of Lady Margaret. A later will, dated October 1471, was proved 4 May 1482. The proved version has gifts including a horse to John, Earl of Wiltshire which are not in the 1470 version.

Stafford, Henry

Will & Memorandum

A contemporary copy of the will of Lady Margaret, with certain corrections concerning the gifts to those who should attend her funeral, the dispositions of Maxey [Cambridgeshire] and Torpell [Northamptonshire], and those of the Somerset manors which she has enfeoffed with licence of Edward IV.

Wardrobe of the Beds: Hatfield

A view of the wardrobe of beds at Hatfield. The items are listed under the headings:

  • pp. 1-2: arrase
  • p. 3: sarcenet
  • pp.5-7: verdours
  • p. 8: square bedds of fyne arras and coutersetts
  • pp.11-12: square bedds of counterpoynts of cloth of gold and silk
  • p.13: counterpoynt palid of aras cloth gold and silk
  • p. 14: counteropoynts of tapestre
  • p.15: counterpoynts of vardors
  • p.16: curtens of sarcenet; canapes of sarcenet
  • p.17: bedds of downe; bolsters of downe
  • p.18: pyllows of downe
  • p.19: bedds of fethers
  • p.20: fustyans, quylts of silke, etc
  • p.21: mattress, volster, blanketts, etc
  • p.22: coverletts
  • p.23: letter maters [leather materials]
  • p.24: travesses of sarcenet, clothes of astate
  • p.25: cosshens of cloth gold and silk
  • p.26: carpetts of dyvers sortes - written at bottom of the page: "Md that all theis carpetts before written be fownd in sauff over the wardop which is supposed to be in John Birds chamber"
  • p.27: cheyers of cloth of gold and silk; cheyers of covered lether; coveryng of the chare and litter
  • p. 28: stayned sayez; rede sayes, grene sayes; black sayez;
  • pp. 29-31: white sayez
    "Store of canvens called ... by Mr Assheton bought"

Valuation of Estates

Values of estates formerly belonging to the Lady Margaret, 1519-1520, by George Quarles, King's Auditor [Henry VIII].

  • in the hand of Thomas Baker: "E libro [ut videtur] Scarcarii. Donum ornstissimi viri Jacobi West, Armigeri [Jacob West, Knight]. Bought at Mr Le Neve's auction, who having been employ'd in the exchequer, I've very much doubt, had borrow'd it from thence, with some other manuscripts, in the catalogue for they wer most properly lodge. Mr Le Neve has left such a character behind him, as mver much confirms this suspicion."

Quarles, George

The Chapell Stuff

Inventory of furniture & vestments of the Lady Margaret's chapel.

  • The items are listed under the headings: copes, vestments, aulter clothes, palles and canapes, curtaynes, vayles and baner clothes, coproras, coyssnynes to ley books upon [cushions to lay books upon], cruetts and paxes, cowchers and other books, antyphoners, mass books, grayles, processionales, prikesong books, surplices, coffers ...

Tapestry of Hercules

Inventory of the wardrobe of the beds:

  • pp. 1-3: Arras [the story of Hercules]
  • pp. 4-6: Verdonis
  • p.8: beds and counterpoynts of cloth of gold and sylver
  • pp. 9-10: spervers
  • pp.11-16: counterpoynts
  • pp.17-18: curtens of sarsenet
  • pp.-18-19: beddys of down
  • pp.19-21: fetherbeds and bolsters
  • p.21: tykys for fetherbedds
  • p.22: pylowes of down
  • p.23: fustians
  • p.25: clothes of estate
  • pp.26-27: kosshens of cloth of gold
  • pp. 28-29: carpets
  • p.31: chayers [chairs]
  • p.33: coveryngs of the chare and lytter

Sale: Gotehill, Somerset

Indenture of sale, dated 11 February 1508/9, by the right excellent Princesse Margarete, Countesse of Richmond and Derby, and moder [sic] to the King, to William Lang, of Caundell purse [Purse-Caundle], Dorset, for £00, of the manore of Gotehill [Goathill], Somerset, with the advowson of the church of Gotehill.
Per me Willm Lang.

Request: Pope Alexander VI

Bull of Alexander VI to Lady Margaret. Alexander VI has recently commended to Henry VII Hadrian Castellensis [Adrian de Castello], Domestic Secretary, for the see of Worcester, but it had been promised by his Queen Elizabeth to a certain confessor; Henry VII prposed to appoint Hadrian one of his Proctors at the Curia. The Pope is content, but asks the favour of the Margaret for Hadrian.
St Peter's, Rome, 8 December 1498
Signed: Jo. Mutinen

Alexander VI, Pope

Recital of Intentions

A copy of the directions of the Lady Margaret concerning the lands left to St John's College, that those in feoffment in Northamptonshire shall revert to the King [Henry VIII] when her will has been performed.

Receipt: John Walles

Receipt by the King's clerk, John Walles from Lady Margaret's chamberlain, Sir Roger Ormeston, for the fine of £26.13.4 for the fine of knighthood from John Markham.
Signed: Per me Johnnes Walles.

Receipt: gold chain

Receipt, by Alice Stanhope from John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, for a chain of gold weighing 4oz & £4.6s.8d, in excess of £3.6s.8d. delivered to her by Hugh Ashton, bequeathed by Lady Margaret; in Fisher's hand.
Signed by Alice Stanhope and countersigned, Jo. Roffs.

Stanhope, Alice

Quitclaim: Richard Burgeys

Release by Richard Burgeys, son of Thomas Burgeys, of Wokkyng [Woking], Surrey, husbandman, for 75s., to Thomas, Earl of Derby, and Margaret, Countess of Rychemound and Derbie [sic], of his rights in his father's lands in Wokkyng.
Chertesey, 24 March 1486/7

Probate Copy Will

A contemporary copy of the will of Lady Margaret. Attached is a sealed deed of William, Archbishop of Canterbury and papal legate, dated 22 October 1512 at Lambeth, granting probate of the will.
Incorporating her original will (6 June 1508) and the memorandum for founding St John's College.
Stored in a wooden box

Prior of the Carthusians

Admission of confraternity granted by Anthony, Prior of the Carthusian Order, to Thomas, Lord Stanley, and Margaret [Beaufort] his wife, to the Lady Elianor [Eleanor], deceased, formerly his wife, and to Sir Thomas Stanley and Johanna his wife and their children.
"Datum Carthusie sedente nostro capitulo generali 23 April 1478"

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