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The Records of Lady Margaret Beaufort
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Recital of Intentions

A copy of the directions of the Lady Margaret concerning the lands left to St John's College, that those in feoffment in Northamptonshire shall revert to the King [Henry VIII] when her will has been performed.

Reception of Philip, King of Castile

Three page account of the meeting of Henry VII and Philip, King of Castile near Windsor on 31 January 1505. The description may have been written by or for John Fisher for Lady Margaret. The account includes a description of archers shooting for the two Kings. It ends with narrator telling Lady Margaret (`Madame... your grace') that Holt will tell her fuller detail about the decoration of royal rooms and persons .

Receipt: Philip Morgan, physician

Receipt by Philip Morgan, physician to Lady Margaret, of 5s 2d, in addition to money paid him for sale of certain 'stuff' by her executors and of 40s for his expense (which include the creation of an inventory for the items sold).
Signed: Hugh Ashton and John Fisher.

Morgan, Philip

Receipt: Meynnart Wewyck

Receipt by Mayarde Vewyck [Meynnart Wewyck], of London, paynter [painter], dated 7 February 1511/[2], from John [Fisher], Bishop of Rochester, of £3 in part payment fro a certen [certain] table and ij patrones [patterns] drawen [drawn] for my ladie [lady] the Kyngs [King's] graundames [grandmother's] tomb.
Signed: meynnart Weyck

Weyck, Meynnart

Receipt: Katherine, Countess of Devonshire

Account of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, of money received by him from Katherine, Countess of Devonshire. Three payments of 250 marks, at Christmas 1516, Midsummer 1517 and Christmas 1517; total £500; with expenditure amounting to £377.1.41/2.

Fisher, John (1469-1535), Bishop of Rochester

Receipt: John Wood, solicitor

Receipt by John Wood, solicitor to the executors of 'my lady the Kyngs grandame', by commandment of my Lord of Rochester and Master Henry Hornby, two of the said executors, from Master Robert Shorton, of £20 in part payment of greater sum as well as for diverse 'writyng in the Chauncery and Escheker and other weyse' as payment for learned men and other for their services and rewards for Michaelmas term last.
Signed: per me John Woode
Countersigned: per me Henricum Hornby

Receipt: John Wolf

Receipt by John Wolf "setezen [citizen] and peynter [painter] of London from the executors of the Lady Margaret of £3 6 s. 8 d. by the hands of Sir Thomas Mawdysley [Mawdisley], for making 33 skochans [escutcheons] in metallis [metals] per paly with a cronnall and in colors"
2 October 1509 per me Johnnem Wolfe
Countersigned: Jo. Roffe. Henry Hornby

Receipt: John Watton to John Fisher, payment of money owed him by the late Master of St John's Hospital

Receipt by John Watton of Chesterton, labourer, for 3 pounds 10 shillings paid him by John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, executor of the will of the Lady Margaret, foundress of the College, in full satisfaction of 7 pounds owed him by William Tomlyn, late Master of the said College [sic: Master of St John's Hospital]. With a relaxation of all actions against the Bishop of Rochester or against Alan Percy, Master, and the Fellows and Scholars of the College. 7 May, 10 Henry VIII. Signed Thirleby

Receipt: John Walles

Receipt by the King's clerk, John Walles from Lady Margaret's chamberlain, Sir Roger Ormeston, for the fine of £26.13.4 for the fine of knighthood from John Markham.
Signed: Per me Johnnes Walles.

Receipt: John Fisher and Hugh Ashton

Indenture of receipt for 250 marks by John Fisher and Hugh Ashton, Lady Margaret's executors; the eighth installment of £2800 from Katherine, Countess of Devonshire, due by indenture 20 July 1313.

Fisher, John (1469-1535), Bishop of Rochester

Receipt: gold chain

Receipt, by Alice Stanhope from John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, for a chain of gold weighing 4oz & £4.6s.8d, in excess of £3.6s.8d. delivered to her by Hugh Ashton, bequeathed by Lady Margaret; in Fisher's hand.
Signed by Alice Stanhope and countersigned, Jo. Roffs.

Stanhope, Alice

Receipt: Cornelius Symonson

Receipt by Cornellys (Cornelius) Symonson from Nycholas [Nicholas] Metcalfe, Master [of St John's College] of £5 in part payment of a more sum for makyng [making] my lady the Kynges [King's] grandmother the viiij [Henry VIII] grate at Westminster.
23 May 1527

Receipt: Cornelius Symonson

Receipt by Cornelys Symonson [Cornelius Symonson], smyth [smith], from Doctor Metcalfe, of £15 in part payment of £25 for the makyng [making] of a certen [certain] grate.
Sealed in the presence of Ranulph Hall and William Lamkin by me Gabriell [Gabriel] Metcalf[e].

Receipt: Cornelius Symonson

Receipt by Cornelys Symondeson [Cornelius Symonson] from Doctor Metcalf[e], of 33 s. 4 d. in part payment of £21. 13. 4. for makyng [making] a tumbe [tomb] for my lady the Kyngs [King's] grandemother [grandmother]

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