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The Records of Lady Margaret Beaufort Item
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Answer in Chancery

Answer in Chancery of Richard [Foxe] Bishop of Winchester explaining that he was not present when Lady Margaret made her will but that he has it on good authority that she left the College lands in the "countees [counties] of Devynshyre [Devonshire] and Somersettshyre [Somerset]".

Fox [Foxe], Richard, Bishop of Winchester

Annotated draft will

A signed draft copy of Lady Margaret’s will, annotated with additions and corrections in various hands. It includes a list of her particular benefactions to ‘Cristes College’ and ‘to my lord Prince’ which has been altered to read ‘the kinges grace’. Also includes a paper about the purchase of Bassingbourne in Fordham, Cambridgeshire inserted at front.
A folio paper book of 72 pages.
Pages 1-38: annotated draft will
Pages 39-56: list of legacies
Pages 57-72: blank

Allowance: John Haryson [Harrison]

Expenses of John Haryson from Hatfield to Greenwich by command of Lady Margaret to be with the Queen [Katherine of Aragon]; and his boat hire to Westminster the night before the coronation to `open the back gates'; and boat hire to London again to fetch black cloth for the frater [brotherhood ?]; signed by Thomas Mawdesley.

Agreement: John Tornay agrees to take a reduced rent owed him from Robert Barnoldeby for land and meadow in Barnoldby field in the manor of north Cateby [North Cadeby]

Indenture, whereby John Tornay, "Sqwier pf lyncoln schir", agrees to take money from Robert Barnoldeby "of ye cownte of Kente" for land and meadow in Barnoldby field in the manor of north Cateby in Lincolnshire. Agrees to take six shillings eight pence instead of eighteen shillings and eight pence, being sixteen years' arrears in rent. To be paid in two installments, the rent thereafter being sixteen pence. In the parish church of Weldenewton. Seal lost

Agreement: inheritance of Henry of Richmond

Agreement, Lady Margaret and Thomas Lord Stanley, in the presence of Edward IV, whereby Stanley undertakes:

  • not to oppose Margaret's settlement of her Somerset estates, [see SJLM/3/2/1]
  • to grant her life interest in his estates as before agreed [see SJLM/4/3/2/1 and SJLM/4/3/2/4]
  • that Henry, Earl of Richmond [Margaret's son] be allowed a share in the estates of Margaret, Duchess of Somerset if he come to England and be in the king's favour.

Agreement: Fulk Woodhull

Agreement between Lady Margaret and Foulk Woodhall [Fulk Woodhull] of Warkworth, Northamptonshire, for his marriage settlement with Elizabeth Webb, one of Lady Margaret's gentlewomen.

Woodhull, Fulk

Accounts: patterns for tomb

An account or receipt, " for my lady the Kings [King's] grandame whoe soulle [soul] God pardonne [pardon], account for 'patron' [patterns] for her tomb, amounting to £4.13.4." The document mentions Master Peter [Torregiano] and the Prior of St Bartholomeu
Signed: Jo. Roffs

Account of expenditure 'For my Lady'

Account of expenditure 'for my lady'
Furst [First] of Monday the xxij day of Julii [July] when I ewent to Master Harsdeynke for my dener [dinner[ at Grayffyshend [Gravesend] ij d.
Item for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iij d.
Item the same neytt [night] at London for my sopper [supper] and my bede [bed] iij d.
Item of Tewysday the xxiij day of Julii [July] for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iij d.
Item my dreynke [drink] at j d.
Summa xij d.
Signed: Jo Roffs.

On reverse: Item to the mesynger [messenger] that broght the Kyngs [King's] letters by the hands of Mr Officiall xiij s. iiij d.

Account of expenditure

Furst [First] of Thursday the xxix day of November whyn wentt [when went] to London to Master Arsdekyn [Archdeacon] with letteres [letters] furst [first] at grayffyshend [Gravesend] for my drenyke j d.
Item for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iiij d.
Item the smae day at London for my dener and sopper [dinner and supper] iiij d.
Item the same neytt [night] for my bott hayre [boat hire] to Lambeth and fro j d.
Item for my bede [bed] and my dreynke [drink] j d. ob.
Item of fryday [Friday] the xxx day of November for my barghayre [barge hire] and my mantell [mantle] iij d.
Item the same day at Grayffyshend [Gravesend] for my dreynke [drink] ob.
Summa xv d.
Signed: Jo Roffs.

Account: Lady Margaret's will

An account for Lady Margaret's executors:
In primis [first] to Tybyll bor meny [many] writyngs [writings] perteynyng [pertaining] to my lady xx s.
Item to John Bear to wrytyng [writing] for hur [her] testament ij s.
Item to Myddleton [Middleton] for a gown whych [which] he shuld [should] have had at my ladies [lady's] interment not alowed [allowed] in the funeralls [funerals] xxvj s. viij d.
Signed. Jo Roffs.

Account: James Morice

Account of James Morice:
First for the bordyng [boarding] of Maistres [Mistress] Jan by the space of iij wek [weeks] and v dayes [days] at xvj d. the wek [week iiij s. xj d.
Item for th ebordyng [boarding] of M Elyner Massingham by the space of v wek [weeks] iiij daies [days] at vvj d. the wek [week] summa vij s. v d.
Item for the cost of ij men with ij horses by the space of ij daies [days] comyng [coming] and goyng [going] from Roydon to London for the breyng [bringing] the said M Elyner to my lord of Surret at xid the day ech [each] man and horse iiij s.
Item paid to Mayne the paynter [painter] in party [part] payment of vj li. xiij s. iiij d. for the making of ij tables of the pictur[e] of my ladies [lady's] grace lij s. iiij d.
Item in reward to the said James [Morice] towards his bothier [boat hire] ad [and] his cost for his attendyng [attending] abowt [about] such besnes [business] as my ladies [lady's] executors comaunded [commanded] hym [him] to do in London, for Cristes College.
To James Mores [Morrice] xxiij s. viij d.
Signed. Jo. roffs.

Morice, James

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