- FondsSJCR - The Records of St John's College
- SubfondsSJES - Estates
- Series2 - Estates and manors
- Subseries16/BHB - Broomhall and appurtenances (Bray, Chawridge, Chobham, Egham, Windlesham, Winkfield, Windsor), Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey
- Sub-sub-series2 - Deeds: Broomhall and associated estates up to its acquisition by the College
- Sub-sub-sub-series7 - Sandhurst, Berkshire
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- Item2 - Grant: Mariora atte More to Stephen de Cristeshulle, half a croft of land in Sandhurst
- Item3 - Remise and quitclaim: Matilda to William de Crissulle, her son, all her rights in a meadow in Sandhurst
- Item4 - Grant: Matilda, widow of WIlliam de Cristehulle, to Stephen, her son, a meadow called Dounmede in Sandhurst
- File5 - Grants to Stephen and William Cristeshulle / Crishulle
- Item6 - Grant: John atte Grene to Stephen de Crysteshulle, Agnes his wife, and John their son, a plot of meadow in Sandhurst
- Item7 - Grant: William atte More to Stephen de Cristeshulle, land in Sandhurst
- Item8 - Grant: Stephen de Bourstowe to Broomhall Priory, and the lands and holdings which he held in Sandhurst, Basingstoke and Windlesham of the gift of Johanna de Cristushalle
- Item9 - Grant at farm: Broomhall Priory to Stephen and Juliana Burstowe, pasture called Estmore [East Moor?] in Sandhurst