Estates and manors Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Tithe Apportionment: Worth, Kent Item 1850
3 Indentures: Addingham File 1661 - 1737
9 Tarn House Farm File 1970 - 1971
1 Down Court: terrier Item 1504-1505
6 Down Court: terrier Item 1704
1 Court Roll: Down Court Manor Item 28 October 1659
5 Quit Rents: Down Court Item 1818
4 Valuations: Down Court File 1808-1863
2 Staple Farm File 1897-1922
4 Maps (mixed properties) Sub-sub-series 1736 - 1923
8 SJC estates - Staple (1860) Item 1860
9 SJC farmstead - Staple (1864) Item 1864
10 SJC land - Wingham (1863) Item 1863
11 SJC land - Worth & Staple (1864) Item 1864
14 Down Court Manor (1800-1820) Item 1800-1820
2 Counterpart Lease Item 1923
4 Court Rolls: Ashwell File 1564-1609
2 Court Roll extracts: Ashwell Item c. 1496 - c. 1550
1 Bills for Repairs File 1864-1878
2 Correspondence Sub-sub-sub-series 1864-1884
Results 1 to 20 of 481