Broomhall and appurtenances (Bray, Chawridge, Chobham, Egham, Windlesham, Winkfield, Windsor), Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
6 Grant: Walter, son of Simon Swere, to William de Loke, three acres of land lying next to 'foreign' hedges and the road from Fountwelle [Fontwell] to Hockener Item Undated [c 1200-c 1299]
10 Quitclaim: Richard de la Loke to William and Elizabeth de la Rokele, all his rights in the lands, rents, etc. which William and Elizabeth had of his gift and enfeoffment in la Loke next Atewode in Bray and Crokham Item 7 December 1317
17 Grant and remise and quitclaim: William Jurdan [Jordan] File 1342-1343
22 Counterpart indenture: mortgage by William de la Rokele to Andrew Saddokes of land in field called la Reye (see SJCR/SJES/2/16/BHB/2/3/21) Item 14 September 1348
27 Grants: to Broomhall Priory of lands except croft the Lee (1351) and deed granting the Lee (1355) File 1351-1355
30 Grant: Broomhall Priory to John and Olive Laurence, all the lands and holdings of William Rokel in Bray Item 18 October 1364
5 Grant: Richard atte Loke to William de Wyndesore [Windsor] and Alice his wife, all his holding at Cruchesfelde [Cruchfield] in the parish of Bray Item September 1321
7 Grant: William de la Rokele to Thomas Est, a piece of land at Critthesfeld [Cruchfield] in Bray, called Scharpecroft Item 17 June 1340
10 Grant: James de Northmerssham [of North Mersham] to William de la Rokele, holding at Crutthefeld [Cruchfield] in the parish of Bray Item 1346
12 Letters patent of Edward III: licence for John de Bokehirst to give, and the Priory of Broomhall to receive, the manor of Crethfield [Cruchfield], Berkshire Item 6 August 1351
13 Grant: Broomhall Priory to Stephen Spenser, Alicia his wife and Agnes their daughter, all the lands etc. formerly William Rokell's in Cruchefeld [Cruchfield] in the parish of Bray Item 1 October 1392
6 Egham (including Thorp, Staines, Podenhale and Knowle), Surrey Sub-sub-sub-series c 1200-1520
4 Remise and quitclaim: Henry de Midelton [Middleton] to Broomhall Priory, a portion of the yearly rent which they used to pay him from a holding in Egham Item c 1256-c 1281
4 Grant: Reginald de Cruce to John, son of Peter of Windsor, of a virgate of land in Puddehale [Podenhale] Item c 1200-c 1232
5 Grant: Reginald de Cruce to John, son of Peter de Windsor, part of a wood at Podenhale Item c 1223-c 1228
7 Grant: Radulfus de Hecham [Ralph de Heyham], chancellor of Salisbury, to Broomhall Priory, all the lands and holdings which he had at la Knolle [Knowle], in the parish of Egham and the town of Thorpe Item Undated [c 1240]
13 Grant: Radulfus de Kyrkeby to Eleanor, Queen of England, a virgate of land in Pudehall [Podenhale] Item 17 April 1286
16 Grant: Broomhall Priory to John de Spersolte and Alicia, his daughter, all the holding of la Knolle [Knowle] for a yearly rent Item 7 May 1294
20 Grant in fee farm: Broomhall Priory to John atte Helde, field at la Strode called Humescullescroft Item 2 February 1325
24 Remise and quitclaim: John ate More to ? de Cristeshulle, all his rights in a ditch and a piece of meadow in Sandhurst Item 22 July 1347
Results 181 to 200 of 342