Bray, Berkshire Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4 Bundle of deeds concerning Bray, including Maidenhead in the parish of Bray File c 1200-1350
3 Grant: Richard atte Loke to Richard atte Wode, all his land in the croft of Turriescroft next Altewode in Bray Item 2 August 1334
4 Grant: WIlliam de la Rokele to Andrew Saddok, rector of Wytewaltham, all his part in a croft called Turrinscroft in Bray next Altwode Item April 1335
9 Grant and re-grant: Christina, daughter of John le Yonge, to John Tyde; then John Tyde back to Christina Item 11 February 1326
7 Grant, demise and quitclaim: Henry Blundus to William Tide, all his rights in a piece of land in Bray Item Undated [c 13th century]
8 Grant: Richard de la Loke to William and Elizabeth de la Rokele, the right to collect tolls on the river Item June 1317
9 Grant: Richard de la Loke to William and Elizabeth de la Rokele, all his lands and holdings in Bray at la Loke next Atewode Item June 1317
15 Receipt: Richard atte Loke of Bray for crops owed him by William and Alicia de Wyndesore Item c 1329
18 Agreement to pay rent: William, son of William Jurdan [Jordan] to Richard ate Loke, for lands in Bray Item 3 September 1342
19 Grant: William, son of William Jurdan [Jordan], to William de la Rokele, all the lands, holdings, rents etc. which he had of the gift of Richard ate Loke in Bray and Cokham Item 17 April 1343
1 Grant: Walter, son of Siward de Birn, to Jordan of London, parcel of land in his croft [in Bray] Item c 1200-c 1299
10 Grant: Galfridus le Glovere to Reginald Sweyn, land in Wycombe, with on dorse, copy of grant by William de la Rokele to Andrew Saddok, land in Maidenhead Item 6 May 1295-c 1336
1 Grant: Jordanus de Boyndone [Jordan de Boyndon] to Thomas de la Loke, all his part of the meadow which falls to him yearly by lot in la Cunte in le reudhamme in Bray Item Undated [c 1200-c 1399]
6 Grant: Walter, son of Simon Swere, to William de Loke, three acres of land lying next to 'foreign' hedges and the road from Fountwelle [Fontwell] to Hockener Item Undated [c 1200-c 1299]
10 Quitclaim: Richard de la Loke to William and Elizabeth de la Rokele, all his rights in the lands, rents, etc. which William and Elizabeth had of his gift and enfeoffment in la Loke next Atewode in Bray and Crokham Item 7 December 1317
17 Grant and remise and quitclaim: William Jurdan [Jordan] File 1342-1343
22 Counterpart indenture: mortgage by William de la Rokele to Andrew Saddokes of land in field called la Reye (see SJCR/SJES/2/16/BHB/2/3/21) Item 14 September 1348
27 Grants: to Broomhall Priory of lands except croft the Lee (1351) and deed granting the Lee (1355) File 1351-1355
30 Grant: Broomhall Priory to John and Olive Laurence, all the lands and holdings of William Rokel in Bray Item 18 October 1364
3 Grant: Galfridus. son of Walter de Tamisia, to Thomas de la Loke, two messuages in Bray Item Undated [c 1200-c 1299]
Results 21 to 40 of 52